31: Up Down

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Hey guys! So again life is hectic cause well now it's FINALS and well you know PLEASE KILL ME 😂 Also again drama is taking over my life but! It is getting better and with summer rolling around I'll hopefully be able to write a lot more. You can expect more chapters coming sooner and boy oh boy. I had a lot of time to think cause I got my phone taken 🙄. Anywhore just be ready for a big time skip soon not in this chapter I don't even think the next but soon. Alright gorgeous Kittens!😘 Enjoy!
When Dan and my Dad got back my mom got to work. Mom told Dad to leave Dan and I alone and then they both leave my room and leave Dan and I to ourselves. "How was the trip to the grocery store with my Dad?" I ask. "It was fine. He let down his guard of being this tough guy and talked heart to heart to me about what he was afraid of. He told me he was happy I was around because I seem to be light in your darkness at this moment."

I can't believe he said that. I guess he's finally gotten used to me being in another relationship. Which is really good for Dan and I because he won't try to scare Dan away the way he tried with Danny. I guess everything that happened was enough to convince my Dad that Dan is good to me. "That's so shocking... I didn't think he'd say something like that for a long time," I said honestly, "I think he finally knows that I will protect you and..." he trailed off. "And what?" I ask. "Love you." He looked down at his hands. He was nervous to say that. This is adorable. I should tease him about it a bit. "You love me?" I ask a smile tugging at my lips.

"Yeah I do... I've been wanting to say it for awhile I just didn't think you'd say it back. I mean you actually haven't yet but that's okay because I know your feelings might not be moving as quickly as mine but know that I do." He says saying the second sentence quickly, while placing his hand on my thigh. I lay my hand on top of his and say, "I love you too." Dan smiled his face lighting up. I love seeing that smile of his. His dimples really show and it makes me wanna squeeze his face.

"Come here," I say patting the bed closer to me. Once he's closer i hold up my index finger and tell him to come closer. Once his face is level with mine I squeeze his cheeks and scrunch his face together. "You're so cute!" I giggle. He grabs my face and close the gap in, his lips smashing against my own. He pulled back a smile on his face. "You make me so happy," he says sitting up straight. "Thank you for taking care of me. I don't know what'd I do without you here with me," I admit to him. Dan gets up and goes around to his side of the bed. Laying on it he says, "Of course, I don't think I could've left without that asshole behind bars. Would've worried me too much. You still need to move, like your house parents I don't trust you being here either. He seems like he's still literally crazy about you and God knows what people do when they're psycho." 

"My parents want me to move, you want me to move, I want to move, but move where? I've already made Lynn move once because of Danny. I'm sure she wouldn't want to do it again," I explain. "Lynn is like your sister am I right?" I nod. "Then she would be just fine with it. Have you even told her what's happened?" Dan asked. "No I haven't. I don't want to bother her. Knowing her she'd blow off tour to make sure I were okay and I want her to live her dream." Lynn's worked so hard for this. I can't ruin it for her.


I scoop up the last bite of my pasta. I love that mom cooks now. I don't know why she stopped! Her cooking is amazing. Her and Dad came up here with me and Dan to eat. As everyone else finishes Dan gathers our plates to take down stairs. "Thank you!" I smile. I wish I could help. I miss being able to move around. I hate being stuck in bed all day. It's enjoyable but it gets stuffy and I need help with everything! I hate Danny so much. Ruining my time with Dan. He'd better stay in that prison for a long ass time.

"Dan's such a sweetheart! Definitely a keeper," Mom winks. "I actually like this one. Even though he's not up to my expectations and what I feel you should have he's okay." Dads words made me smile. Him liking Dan only showed me that if we did continue on with our relationship everything would just be okay. I heard a voice I didn't think I'd hear for a long time. "I'm home!" She said. Lynn??? Lynns home?? Oh no who told her?? Shit, shit!

"Is that Lynn??" Mom asked standing as she walked out the door she says, "Thought she wasn't suppose to be home yet." My dad then stands and walks out himself. It shouldn't hurt too bad to move right? I move my legs and scoot to sit up. A pain in my back kept me from moving too quickly but I got it. Hunched, I walked out of my room.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lynns voice asked. "I see Y/n still hasn't told you about what happened... she's up in her room." Before Lynn got the chance to even get up the stairs I walked from around the corner holding onto the railing. "Dude what the hell happened to you?!" Lynn dropped her things and ran up the stairs to meet me. "What are you even doing out of bed?" Mom asked. Once Lynn met me she didn't even touch me but looked at me in wonder. "You need to go lie back down if that's what you're suppose to be doing." It was hard enough walking over here. I'm gonna need some support. "Help me?" I asked. "O-of course." I was glass to Lynn as she walked me back to my room and laid me down. "Y/n what the hell happened to you??" She asked sitting on the bed. I sighed and said, "Danny."

I continued to tell her what happened and why I hadn't told her sooner. She seemed a little mad at me at the same time she seemed as if she was trying not to cry. When I was done she didn't say anything to me as she ran out the room. I didn't even tell her to wait because I knew she was upset. I'll try to talk to her when she's ready then.

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