The Anniversary

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A/n I wanted to thank @Sempai_is_amazing for giving me a link and request for the picture at the top

Chapter Summary: Robin usually spends his parents anniversary by going to their graves and telling them everything  they missed form the last visit. Afterwards he would spend it with Bruce and Alfred, the wonderful cooking included. This is the first anniversary without Bruce and Alfred and he has to stay at the cave for the day.

Robin's Pov

"Are you positive you have to go," I asked Bruce who knows how many times already. "Dick for the last time yes. I have a business meeting up in Maine and it can't be missed. Trust me. I tried," Bruce explained to me. I just couldn't process it.

Bruce and Alfred are both leaving on the anniversary of my parents death. I know he tried everything, but it still hurts.

"What am I suppose to do.  I'll have no one to talk to at the cave," I asked

"How about I get special permission for Selina, Talia, and Diana to be their tomorrow," He asked. It was actually a good idea. I see all three of them as mothers. Sure they might be fighting most of the time, but I know for sure that they might put their differences aside for one day.

"That would make me a lot better. Thanks Bruce," I said.

"Your Welcome. Now go to bed. I'll wake you up early so we can go visit them in the morning before we leave."

Both Bruce and Alfred tucked me in that night.

*******Time Skip******

I was woken up earlier in the morning then usual to see my parent's grave before Bruce and Alfred left. I got dressed and we drove to the graveyard. I walked the normal path of the graveyard till I reached the two familiar graves.

Al and B didn't walk the path with me. They knew I needed to be alone right now. They died when I was nine. I'm 14 now. That means I spent five years without them. I can't believe it. I sat down in between their graves and spoke, "Hey mama, tata. I really miss you guys. I can't believe it's been five years.  I still have the same crush on the same person. (Dick is Bi in all of my one-shots by the way and their will be multiple couple with him). You know it's my best friend. He always has my back no matter what.

(A/N there I fixed it. It now says five instead of six. I was just going to leave it, but people keep pointing out my had math. It's no longer there so let's leave it alone(Okay I actually fixed it this time.)

I still hope that you guys would approve of me being Robin. Sometimes I get scarred when I'm on the tallest building in Gotham, or when I'm just practicing a normal trapeze routine. I'm scarred that I'll fall like you guys did. Then I remember that you would scold me for being afraid of something that I was born into. No matter what I only truly feel home when I'm in the air or in a circus.  Mama, tata I hope your doing we-" I heard a rustling and stood up searching for what it was.

"Relax my little kitten," Selena said, "I'm only here to get you and see if your okay. Bruce ha to leave soon  so you should hurry."

I nodded my head and looked back at the graves while holding Selina's hand "Mama this is Selena. Do you remember her, I introduced you to her when I was ten. She's helped me get through a lot and I hope your not mad at her that I see her as a mother. I have to go now.  Te iubesc Mama, tata. Pa! Pa!," I said and walked towards Alfred's car.

Selina's Pov

I looked at the grave of Kitten's parents and spoke to them, "I'm sorry if It looks like I'm taking your place. I would never do that. I'm positive that you were a good mother and I hope that you accept me, Talia, or even Diana as a good figure for the kitten," I said and caught up with Dick.

Dick's Pov

Selena and I were dropped off at the Bat cave and I zetaed us their. Once I was their I noticed how everyone was here including Roy, but not Artemis. That's good I guess. No one to yell out that I might be a mole. They all looked up when They heard another name being called. Selena was in here full cat women uniform.

"Robin Why is Cat women, one of your villains, here," Aqua lad asked. "Bats gave permission. Right after she entered the other tubes went off announcing Wonder women and Talia. "Talia," Diana said. "Diana," Talia said. Selena and Diana did the same thing. "Guys you promised not to fight today," I said. "Your right we did little Robin, and we apologize. We're supposed to be here for you as  your parental figures, seeing as of how Batman can't do that good enough," Diana said.

"It's fine. It's just that I miss them. They we were perfectly happy before he came along. Then Bats took me in. I got to meet you three, not to mention Harley and Ivy. Speaking of, Catwomen,"I said looking at her while the others gave me weird looks. "Robin the are only allowed to see you if you go visit them at Arkham or you see them on the street," Talia said.

"Excuse me but what are you talking about," M'gann asked. "Robin wants to go see two Aunt like figures, but we won't let him, Talia and I are only here under certain circumstances," Selena explained to her. At that moment I saw Wally and Roy look down. "What's the matter you two? Why do you look so sad," I asked them.

"We're sorry Robin. We forgot all about the date of today. I knew that Uncle Barry told me to go to the cave for a reason today," Wally said. "I'm sorry also. Ollie told me to go to the cave today and remained me weeks in advance and everyday since. I'm sorry that I forgot," Roy apologized.

"Guys it's fine. I have you guys here plus three mom figures and two aunts on speed dial if I need anything. Until then can we just watch a Tim burton movie, like A Nightmare Before Christmas I asked them. We all agreed and watched a movie. It was all going great until we heard the zeta tubes go off and Artemis walked in with street clothes on.

"Guys what are two Gotham Villains doing here," She screamed while we all laughed and enjoyed the rest of the movie.

A/N the little romanian up their at the grave part meant i love you

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