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Summary: Daddybats enters the picture when Dick is badly injured on a team mission.

Third person's pov

The team just got out off a recon mission, sadly that never goes as they plan. When they reentered the bioship Kid called Batman to tell him that Robin was badly injured. He didn't say anything just hung up, which was bat talk to get here as fast as you can so I can fix him up NOW.

Kid translated and it helped Miss Martian get their in 10 minutes maybe less. When Batman saw Robin, if you looked closely you could tell that he was actually sad.

He got Robin into the med bay and looked at his injuries.

Batman's pov

The injuries were bad. I looked them over to find what he has. He has a broken leg, arm, hand, a concussion with blood going down his head, a deep gash near his stomach, it feels like a punctured lung, and about three maybe four broken ribs.

I did what I could to make sure noting gets worse and stopped the bleeding. I told the team to get wonder woman and Flash down here to help me with him.

They got here quick. They saw Robin and immediately started working on him. I Was trying to help, but they told me that I was to scarred for his help that I should just wait.

I walked out of the med bay to see the team of young heroes looking as worried as me. I put my hand up and told them that it's a work in progress.

I called up Alfred and he showed up through the zeta tubes with the words Agent A fading already.

"Master Batman, please tell me that Master Robin is okay," he looked stressed. I mean who could blame him, it's Dick he always finds a way in peoples hearts.

I looked up at him and tried to speak but couldn't. "Oh, dear oh dear. You need some tea. How about the rest of you. Would you like a nice cup of tea," he asked them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here," Artemis asked. I was about to tell her to be quiet, but Alfred beat me to it.

"Now now lady Artemis. I ask for tea because I know it helps. This isn't the first time that the young Master has been injured and I Find that a nice cup of tea to help, well as long as you don't let the heroes make it."

She was about to speak up again, but luckily enough no matter how annoying speedsters are they always come through, "Thanks agent A. Tea would be nice," Kid flash told him.

Third​ person

As if to prove his trustworthy Ness Alfred answered back, "Would that be all Master wallace."

With that he got them all tea and they drank it slowly until WW and Flash came out and spoke, " he is stable and awake."

With that their were smiles on their faces.

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