Mother Bats part 1

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Summary: the team just learned about Robins relation ship with some of his female villains. The team knows about Artemis's past and Robin is about to be 15 in here.

Talia Al Ghoul

Third person

The team was on a mission. They were in the woods looking for a bomb a random person set to go off in 2 minutes.

When they finally reached the place the bomb was nowhere to be seen. Soon Robin figured out that it was all a trap.

"Guys run now," he shouted but no one listened. The gave him a look that's said we're a team and we stay toghter. He gritted his teeth and said fine.

Once they were close to the two minute mark they were jumped by a bunch of people dressed in all black. Robin knew who they were and didn't fight it. The team however was a different story.

They started fighting no matter how much Robin begged them to stop. Eventually or about an hour later we find the team tied to a tree waiting to see what's going to happen to them.

"What do you guys even want from us," Artemis asked, "your all wearing league of assissains uniforms."

The team looked back at them to realize that they were right. Suddenly the guy who looked to be in charge spoke, "shut it will ya! We're not here for you guys at all, we're here for the bird. We get to do what we please with the rest of you." he reached out to grab Artemis, but Robin stopped him.

"If you hurt even one hair on any one of my team members then i'm going to tell both mother, Father, and grandfather. Now you wouldn't like that would you." the teams heads whipped to look at him so fast you could of swore that they were all speedsters.

"Woah hold up," Kid Flash looked at him, "Who Is mother,, Father, and Granddad." KF got his answer when an arrow shot the guy in the neck and a women dropped down.

"Pathetic you would think that he would be able to handle a group of trained superheroes. Guess not," the women said.

"Talia Al Ghoul! what are you doing here," Artemis asked.

"It has nothing to do with you. I am here for Robin," she said while walking up to him. As she walked towards him she put her hand behind her back as if to grab a weapon.

The team looked about ready to get her if she did anything to hurt their baby brother, but to their surprise right when she got to him all she did was pull out a piece of paper.

"You better explain this young man and it better be a good one," she said.

"C'mon mother it was only a C and its only and English paper," Robin pouted.

"MOTHER," the whole team shouted surprised.

"I expect better from you. You are an Al Ghoul and Al Ghoul's get A's not C's, B's or D's am I clear. Now I want a good explanation and I want it now," she said.

"I'm not even an Al Ghoul," he shouted.

"You are an Al Ghoul as long as I say that you are an Al Ghoul now explain," Talia yelled while putting the paper closer to his face.

"Fine I might of stayed out to late at bab's house before running home and staying up even later to study and then their was a mission with the team that day. In other words I might not of been at my best that day," he said without looking at her.

She pondered his words for a few minutes until she spoke into her watch, alright you can come down." At that moment batman dropped down which made the whole team gawk at him.

They stopped once they received the glare.

Talia turned towards him and said," he is grounded from going over to friends house is not allowed out of the house past 8, that includes patrols, and no team missions until I get a call to your teacher saying that your final grade is back to a 100 understand."

He was about to protest until batman spoke up, "Robin listen to your mother and tell your others why you can't see them past 8 for the time being."

After that the team was released and they got on the bioship. Once their the team asked him a bunch of questions so Robin explained it all.

"She's not my real mother, my real mother, my mama, died. I'm an orphan and batman took me in. Talia os just one of my mother figures. I call them all different versions of the word Mother to help the confusion for me. Batman isn't my real dad either. My tati and mami died at the same time. But it's fine I'm good now."

By the time he was down the ship had landed and Robin started heading for the zeta tube trying to get back before 8.

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