Patrol part 1

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Summary: Batman is out on an off world mission. Robin has to do patrol for a night or two only to realize he can't do it himself and gets his team involved. They have some problems with how he handles his criminals.

Robin's pov

It was my first night on patrol alone and I couldn't do it. I let the guy get away and now I have no way of knowing where the riddler is.

I contacted Bruce and he said that I could bring the team to Gotham, but they have to do exactly as I Say.

I walked into the Mountain to see the whole team their. I looked at them and said that we have a mission. I led them to the mission room and spoke.

"This is more of a personal favor then a mission. You will have to listen to everything that I say, but on the upside you all get the chance to be in Gotham without B breathing down you neck and glaring at you. So, who's in," I asked them.

They all raised their hands and I checked the time. "Okay it's only about three ' o' clock in Gotham, when it reaches about two 'o' clock here I need you guys to come to the batcave, don't worry I'll put all of your passcodes in before that comes. You'll be briefed in the cave. See you there and don't forget be their by midnight Gotham time," I waved at them walking back to the zeta tubes.

"Ah, hello Master Robin, are your friends coming over after all," Alfred asked me. I looked at him and spoke, "Yeah, of course they don't know that I just need help locating Riddler and watching over is all. I think that they all agreed just so they could see Gotham without being yelled at."

Alfie laughed and told me to get changed for lunch. I did as he said, after all no one disobeyed the great master butler. I got changed and went up the clock and got ready for lunch.

After lunch I went back down to the batcomputer trying to find some info on what could happen tonight.

Time skip to midnight

Once it was midnight I was still typing away only this time I had my mask on. I heard the zeta beams go off and went to suit up.

By the time I was suited up the whole team was their including Roy.

"What exactly is the mission," Wally asked.

"Like I said before, personal favor. I need your help locating a guy, catching Riddler, and doing the normal patrol," I explained to them.

"You need help. Catching the Riddler," Artemis said slowly as if to clarify.

"If your wondering if I cam beat him, then yeah no problem. The problem is that when Riddle wants to lay low his IQ goes up tenfold. His schemes aren't that planned out though," I continued to explain.

"So what is the order we're doing this in," Kaldur asked.

"We're going to go on patrol by handling the low level criminals, while trying to catch the Riddlers scent. Once we find him we tell the commander Jim Gorden, (I don't know how to spell the other word), dissaper like nothing happens, get back here and eat breakfease, send you guys home, and get ready for school," I said while using my fingers to count.

"Are you sure you didn't miss anything," Wally said.

I thought about it before I snapped my fingers, "Dinner, I almost forgot. He is so going to kill me if I forget to eat one more meal, I am gonna be so grounded. You guys wait here and I'll bring down some food," I told them.

I went up the clock and saw Alfred glaring down at me. "Hiya Alfie I definitely did not forget about diner," I told him.

"I suppose you need help bringing all the dinner plates down to your friends," he asked.

"I didn't know you made them any."

"Of course I did. Now grab your plate while I get the others set up," he said while he started to get the plates ready.

Once he was ready we both went back down the clock with Alfred lecturing me on dinner manners.

Once we the door finally opened he finished with his last statement, "I also must insist that you eat everything on your plate or no cookies after your patrol."

"Sweet! Agent A made food for us! Your the best," Wally said to him while going for his plate.

Wally had his cowl down at the time, being in the cave many times before this.

"Thank you Master wallace," Alfred told him.

"Dude how many times have we been over this, it's Wally not Wallace," Wally informed him.

"Who is he anyway," Artemis asked.

"This guy is Agent​ A the bats loyal and most trustworthy friend," I informed them.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere Master Robin, last I checked your still grounded for getting detention at school," Alfred brought that up.

I saw Artemis and Wally smirk and Miss M looking shocked along with Kaldur.

"Dude what did you do this time," he asked me.

"My English teacher got fed up with me writing words like aster and chalant while doing my work. I'm not allowed to have friends over, but I convinced B to let you guys come to Gotham this once," I said.

"Master Robin stalling isn't getting you anywhere. Now please Eat your dinner before I am forced to take great measures," that meant force fed.

I gulped and began eating the food while the others, not counting Wally, began to eat theirs.

Once we were all done we got prepared to leave. I grabbed the keys to the batmobile and told them to lets go.

That's when Artemis stopped. "No way am I letting a thirteen year-old drive a car with me in it."

"I'm 14 actually, and I'm trained for this. Also Batman doesn't trust the rest of you enough. Wally gets front seat," I yelled running to the batmobile.

A\N I'm ending this part here. But it will be updated and you will get to find out what happens. You get to find out if Artemis actually gets into the batmobile.

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