The Flock

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Summary: Dabria has always felt different. It was like she was in the wrong body ever since the day she was born. She never knew what was wrong with her and she couldn't go to her mother or grandfather with these problems. It wasn't until she moved in with her father and brothers that she finally got fed up with everything and decided to change.

Based on the song The Village by the Warbler


Dabria knew of her place in the League. She was born and raised to follow orders. She was her grandfather's best assassin In training, she's just never killed.

Ever since she was six she felt different. She didn't like how long her hair was, she didn't like the training in the killer heels she had to do for when she was older, she didn't like the seduction classes, and she didn't like the clothes that she had to wear.

Ever since she learned how to walk and talk she was put into training. The only training she actually liked was with Deathstroke and that was because he didn't care what she wore to training, just as long as she could fight.

She knew that she couldn't explain any of what she was feeling to her grandfather. She was his pride and joy. According to her mother, she made Grandfather go soft.

She would never break her grandfather's heart like that. She couldn't talk to her mother about it. She would never listen.

Dabria remembers the first and only time she tried to bring it up to her mother.

"Dabria, your name means angel of death. You were born to hopefully bear the heir to the League. Hopefully, the child you bear will be male. Now go and start your training my angel of death," Talia told her when all she asked was about her training.

Dabria was so shocked and sad when Deathstroke attacked the base. She didn't want to leave her grandfather there, but with her mother pulling her arm she had no choice but to follow.

It was a few days later and she was being introduced to her father. She has heard her mother speak of him for years but never actually got the chance to meet him until now.

Then she felt betrayed when her mother left her with him, to never come and get her. To cast her aside as if she was a failure.

When Dabria met her father she had hope and that feeling evolved when she met Alfred and her new brothers.

She hated Tim, Jason was annoying, and Dick wouldn't leave her alone for five minutes.

And Bruce. Well, he tended to avoid her until he got the DNA test back that proved she was his, but she loved them nonetheless.

She still had those thoughts that she wanted to let out but didn't tell anyone in her new family.

The first time she told anyone was with her first two friends. Collin and Jon. She ignores the fact that her brothers sometimes poked fun at her for hanging out with the two boys, but it felt more right to her than hanging out with any girls that she knew.

While she's 13 Jon is 10 and Collins is 15. They both already knew that she was Robin and Collins knew that Jon was Superboy.

They were hanging out in Dabria's room, the other two playing a video game and Dabria was just watching them. The two knew that she was lost in thought, so they gave her time and entertained themselves until she was ready to speak.

"Alright, I can't take it anymore. What's on your mind D," Collins asked as he pauses that game to look towards Dabria.

"I don't feel like I belong," she said after a few minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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