Found and Revealed

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Chapter Summery: Artemis Finds out that Robin is actually Dick Grayson. Can you imagine her surprise when she sees him getting bullied.

Artemis figured out the puzzle of who Robin was. "We'll laugh about this someday" Yeah she laughed. She laughed so hard she wanted to punch her wall.

At the present moment she's at school looking for Dick Grayson or as she has gotten to know better as Robin the boy wonder. She was about to give up if he wasn't around the next corner until she heard the troll's voice.

"Look I gave you all I had on me. Can I please go now," Robin asked.

"Why would I do that. We haven't beaten you to a pulp yet," Johnny, the school bully asked.

"Good nature I guess," The idiot responded with.

She kept walking until she heard the snap of two fingers and suddenly Robin, Richard, Dick Grayson, whatever you want to call him, her friend, was screaming out in pain. She heard two snaps and ran around the corner and punched a guy in the face.

He fell over with a broken nose while the other got kicked in the face and ended up with a black eye. Finally the last guy was kicked in the Jaw along with a punch, which dislocated it. They all ran the opposite direction while Artemis got up and helped Dick. She kept dragging him until they were in the girls bathroom.

"Why'd you help me," He asked.

Artmis smirked and answered his question, "I don't know. Maybe we'll laugh about this some day." He smirked and did just that laughed. Until he started coughing up blood, "Careful! You really are and idiot."

"Maybe, but I'm and idiot who still has a secret I.D to protect and can't start fighting back because of a simple school bully. You think you could do me a favor," He asked her. She gave him a look to go on. "Could you reach in my back pocket and hand me a phone. I would do it but I know for sure I have a broken arm, leg, and maybe a rib or two, maybe three. It also hurts to move at all," he said with a rasped voice

She sighed and did as he told. He thanked her and called up a number and put it on speaker phone. "Be quiet until I say so," He said until the person picked up.

"Dick I swear if this is another trick I'l-"

"Hey Bab's can you come to the Girls bathroom near the history class rooms. It's been locked and I really need some help right now. Oh and Artimis found out the little secret I was keeping."

She sighed on the other side of the phone while announcing that she would be right over.

"Do me a favor. In my back pack their is a tape player and recording. I need you to get it out and start it for me," He asked. She did as told and it sounded awfully familiar to a normal club meeting.

"Be as quiet as you can this time, "He said. He called another number and this time someone else picked up.

"Master Richard where are you. You will have this old butler worried to death if you don't start showing up on time."

"I'm Sorry Alfred. It turns out that the mathletes was having a meeting today. t wasn't planned so they got everyone they could, "He said.

"Very well. are you walking home then, "The British man asked.

"Actually I was going to be staying the night at Babs tonight if that's okay," He asked.

"Very Well. I will inform master Bruce," Richard hung up and Artimis stopped the tape right when their was a knock on the door.

She was about to open the door before she heard the lock click and Babs came rushing in with two backpacks on her shoulders. "Sorry about that practice. Now for you. Come on take the shirt off," He did as told. "Good. Now hold still. it looks like your going to need one stitch and then a splinter for your arm and leg. After that once we're at my house we can sneak out and see Leslie," She explained.

Artimis was confused by all of it. Babs saw her face and explained the whole story with Dick helping, including the fact that she is batgirl in training.

"One more thing, sorry to ask this of you, but this all has to stay a secret form Bats," Dick said.

"Wait. Why. You were just beated to a pulp and you want me to keep it a secret," She said.

"Of course. This happens at least once a month. If you want to you can stay at my house to along with Dick," Babs said.

"I guess. I just don't think it's right," She said.

"You would if it was you," Dick said

"I guess I would," She said to herself. The rest of the night was spent patching up Robin until he was better. The whole night Artemis's mind kept going back to her sister.

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