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If you skip this then it's your own fault when you comment something that I already mentioned then. Just a small warning for those who decided that this wasn't worth reading.

Now let me say this about any  ENGLISH mistakes that you see:

1. If you noticed it then I can guarantee someone who has read this story before you has noticed so their is no need to comment on any mistakes that have been made.

2. Before you comment on a mistake make sure that someone else didn't comment the same thing already.

3. I'm not a professional author so yes their will be mistakes.

4. I don't have a beta reader for my stories except for one and that one isn't published yet so yes their are mistakes.

5. As you read you will notice that most of my mistakes are with the word their, there, and they're


When I write I write on Microsoft word, Google docs, or something like that then I copy and paste it to Wattpad. I do this so my stories are all backuped and it makes it easier to post them on all the platforms I post my stories on.

Why did I let you notice this well I'm happy to share. As all of you should know those platforms include spell check and as most of you know it's not perfect. Now I don't know if they do this for everyone else but no matter what they automatically correct all of my there's to their. So stop telling me.

6. I've been writing since I was in sixth grade and I'm not in college now which means that some of these stories are really old. I'm not going to take a whole two or three hours for each story to go through it to make sure I fix every mistake.

Sometimes when I read them I'll go back and change something of it really bothers me but I don't do the whole rewrite thing for One-Shots. If this was an actual story then yeah I'd care more l, but it's not.

In conclusion, stop being grammar nazis on my One-Shots stories.

If you want to correct me on a fact that I messed up, like if I get how characters are related wrong then correct me. If I mess up something like that then yeah I'm all ears.

I only ask two things of you readers.

1. Don't comment on grammar mistakes, espically if they've already been mentioned at least once before.


2. Before you comment about one of my mistakes just make sure it hasn't been done already.

I really don't ask for much. I get so excited when I get a comment on one of my stories only to see that it's just a comment correcting me about an English mistake and then I click the comment and four other people already commented the same thing. If anyone else comments on any english mistakes, espically after they've been pointed out I'm deleting the comment!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns I'll be happy to listen just comment on here or PM me.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and enjoy the One-Shots!

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