BPD Secrets (Stakeout)

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So This is the long awaited Part three that I kept putting off, but here it is, finally! and sorry for the long wait, I hope this makes up for it.

Third Person

Lolli and Malkore were sitting in their work car the entire day. Sure they had a few coffee runs here and their, but it wasn't like they could leave. No, because they were officially unofficially on the Job. They were watching Dick's apartment and put up security camera's and wire taps all around, not to mention tapping his phones, and the spy bug he had on him to.

Earlier that day when Dick was gone they didn't have time to search the apartment, just enough to get them suspicious. They quickly hooked up all the security and wire taps before getting out of their as fast as they could without leaving much evidence.

When Dick first came back they were watching the security feed and somehow he knew that someone was in his apartment. They don't know how, but he did.

Malkore was watching all the security cameras and wire taps, while Lolli was focusing on the bug and phone taps. When he came into his apartment he walked in, not even a foot in the door, before he leaned down and looked at the ground to see a tiny piece of paper. He got up shut the door and went to sleep, while watching TV.

Well that was the plan for him, he just had to get a call in from Artemis and Kaldur at this moment.

Lolli was sure to make sure everything was recorded.

"Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood Spiderman here," he answered happily, like he just made a joke at work.

"Now this is a surprise," the person on the other line said.

They could see Dick jump up, whoever was on the other side of the phone he either didn't know or didn't like.

"Jade what are you doing with this number," he asked her seriously.

"I don't want to hear that form you. We're going to help get your little green friend out, but next time I see you I'm going to make you scream for days for what you did," She told him.

"Jade, look I'm so-,"

"You better not say your sorry! You faked my sister's death to everyone. How many people knew she wasan't alive. Why didn't you see it fit to tell me! Her sister! Your friend! The one who helped you when you got all those problems back in Jump! Who helped you out the most! WHO MADE SURE THAT YOU DIDN'T DIE FORM GETTING BEATEN TO DEATH!," She yelled at him.

"You know how these types of plans go. I beat you even made sure that those types of plans went smoothly. I don't need you getting on my ass about it either, Wally is already hard enough to deal with," Dick told her, while the two cops listening in were confused about what was going one. Just what could you be capable of to make sure that everyone believed a person to be dead.

"I promise you she isn't going to die in their, her nor Kaldur. I've made to many deals for them to die in their. The most that they are going to come out with is a scratch. We were able to reprogram Blue and Green, so now it's just a matter of time before we go in and destroy the operation form the inside,"  Dick informed her.

"You do know that you told me the plans to stop the people I'm working for. How do you know that I won't go and tell them now," Jade said.

"Because you care more about your sister being safe, then you living. You proved that when you helped her escape the league," Dick told her while saying bye and hanging up.

He just had to find out what to do now. He had to go on patrol tonight. Something big is happening with a meeting and he has to go out tonight. He would be able to take down three major crime bosses at once if he can just find a way out.

He had a little private security set up in his apartment so when someone who broke in he would know. It's nothing with technology, just a simple piece of paper set in between the door that he and everyone he knows, knows to put it back in the door before they leave. The paper was on the floor when he came home form his shift, so someone was here, but they didn't take anything, which means that they left something.

One quick look and he noticed the small video cameras, he also had this feeling that he's been watched all day, and all he did was do his shift and go out to get coffee. Before he goes out on patrol tonight he has to patrol Gotham as Batman, seeing as of how half the league has been kidnapped off world for an unfair trial. Their was no way he was going to get anything done with the camera's so he had to make a phone call, if only someone told him about the wire tapes.

"Who the fuck is this," a rough voice said on the other phone, while two other voices asked him who it was.

"It's you older brother. Don't say a word. Get a glass of water, take some pain medication, and put some clothes on while your at it. I don't need to hear about all the details you will try to give me about your threesome," Dick said to the person on the phone the two detectives now know as his brother, who might frequent threesomes, they didn't need to know the last part.

"What do you want dickhead," Jason said on the other phone.

"I need to meet up with you. I believe your in star city right now, correct," Dick asked him.

"How the fuck did you know that," Jason asked him groggily from being woken up.

"I turned on you GPS, how else. I'm not about to let my psyco brother go off by himself with an alien and drug addict," Nightwing told him in a serious tone that said he worries and better not complain, which Jason didn't. The detectives thought that alien meant out of the country, how right they are.

"Alright what do you need," he asked.

"I need you to patrol as fast as you can at home, but I need you help tonight," Dick told him.

"What's happening tonight," Jason asked him.

"I'll explain everything once we meet up in the usual warehouse at the docks," with that Dick hung up.

The two detectives made sure to write and record everything that they heard and saw. They knew that deep down Dick wasn't a bad nor dirty  cop, but he's up to something.

The rest of the day was left with him messing with his phone and laptop, if they were able to see the screen they would see that he was hacking a bunch of major government facilities like the pentagon and FBI for fun. 

Over the years the tech guys who work their just saw it as a test for the newbie. They could recognize the first Robin, or Nightwing's hacking style instantly, but the new guys would have to do their best to keep him away. They all agreed that if any newbie was able to keep him out he gets an immediate promotion, it would be the reward, of course the newbies had no idea.

Then it came time for Dick to meet the Outlaws at the usual warehouse at the docks. The detectives saw that he was on the move and hurried after him.

I hope that this makes up for the long wait and next time I update this story, I'm going to do the next part of the BPD secrets, if all goes well their should only be two more parts.

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