Daddybats part 2

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One of those videos I said I was gonna make is at the top.

Summary: the justice league is looking for new members. After everyone is interviewed and the justice league talk with each other, while Robin is waiting for them to finish. While waiting some guys decided to pick on him. Robin is 10.

Third person

Robin was sitting in the wajting area along with about 50-100 new heroes. They are all here to get interviewed and see if they are good enough for the justice league, unlike Robin who is just waiting for batman to get done with his work so they can go home and eat ice cream.

It was already past lunchtime, after Robin had lunch with Batman and all of his aunts and uncles, when it happened. Robin was sitting at a table all by himswlf when be noticed two guys walking up to him. One was skinny, he would say skinny like kid flash skinny, while the other one was buff, he would say superman buff. The skinny one had blonde hair and was a mix of being Caucasian and indian, while the other one was plain Caucasian maybe a hint of irish roots in him.

They both walkeavesdroppingRobin who was sitting at a lunch table messing with his holo-glove, hacking someone important, when the skinny one slammed his hands on the table.

Robin didn't jump or flinch, why would he, he saw them comming.
"Look what we have here, a little bird all alone without hos bat to protect him," the skinny one said.

"What do you want," Robin asked him. Not frightened one bit.

"What we just want to have a chat baby bird," said the big guy.

Robin suddenly understood what they wanted. They want him to feel bad because their jealous of him. Why he didn't know. His only guess was that maybe they saw him sitting with all the founders and big Leaguers at lunch and him having a good time. They must of eavesdropped, because only Black Canary and Wonder Woman call him that.

When the two guys saw that his face dawned with realization the talked again, "what do you expect us to fawn all over you like those big shots in their, or are you just going to run and hide to batsy."

Robin wasn't going to run to batman. He didn't want to ruin the meeting and beside this guy is only jealous of what Robin has.

Robin decided to voice his option, "actually, I'll go wait in my room. That way I won't have to hear you basically yell about how jealous you of a 10 year-old," he said as he got up and walked away.

Before he could thought the buff one grabbed his shoulder and asked what he said, "you heard me, I said you're jealous. You saw all the big leagues eating with me at lunch and the females cooing over me, I mean they always do that no matter how much I tell them to stop, wich means that you my friend are jealous."

"You are bot our friend," the buff one said, while the skinny one finished it, "and we're not jealous".

"If you say so," after that statement Robin was turned around and punched in the face. Being caught off guard caused him to fall which let the skinny one to start kicking him, while the buff one stomped on him.

Batman's pov

We we're in the final stage of picking and chosing. We already chose a hero who works alone and we are now looking at the partners. It was coincedence really. We we're looking at these two. One was buff like superman while the other was skinny like kid flash the skinny was was a mix and the buff one was plain with a hint of irish on him I would say.

That was when we heard knocking on the door. We told them to cone in and saw that it was one of the heroes who got in.

"What is it you need kare," Superman asked. "Please help. Two of the registers are beating up a kid in the mess hall," she almost cried.

That got us all to stand up. Their was only one kid on this whole building, Robin. We all got up and headed to the lunch room and saw that it was true and it looked terrible.

They were screaming this at him like he wasn't good enough or no bog bad bat to save him now.

I walked up behind them and I could tell that they were frightened when they saw the shadow. I grabbed them from behind and and punched them till the past out. Meanwhile Flash grabbed Robin and helped him to the med bay.

Once I get done with the two idiots I transported them back to where they belong and made sure that they went to jail for at least a week.

I went to the med bay to see Robin waking up. He explained what happened and why the two attacked. He saud he tried to go to his room, but they wouldn't let him.

I told him that it was okay and wasn't his fault. I told the other Leaguers to continue the meeting tommorow and Dick and I sat on the couch watching disney movies all day, except for the lion king, I know better then that.

Around one in the morning was when Dick fell alseep. I went down to the cave and got dressed as batman. I saw Alfred come down and he looked at me, "going out tonight sir," he asked.

"Yeah Alfred. I have to pay a visit to a few Leaguers and tell them what happened also to pay another visit to two new villains named Rage and Furry."

I could swear on my life that on my way out I heard Alfred say, "give them hell master Bruce Give them hell. Now to go check and see how the young master is doing."

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