BPD Secrets (Marks)

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Think of this and the others that go with it as its own little side series. That means when i upload a different one shot that's not with this it wont have anything to do with this.

Summary: In all honesty I was watching a clip from Batman Unlimited: Animal Instinct. Okay so Nightwing was getting beaten up by Cheetah and Killer Croc and I just thought hey what if he was at work and someone saw some bruises or notices that he has make up on to cover up those bruises.

Third Person

Amy and Dick just got done with their reports from their last case and Dick was ready to get home. It wasn't that he was tired, no he still had to do patrol. It was that he was in pain and needed to take the medicine that Leslie gave him, and he didn't dare to take it in front of his coworkers in fear of them saying something.

To make matters worse he was wearing make up and if he didn't want anyone to see something then he would have to re do it and soon. He was waiting for his shift to be over and kept looking into reflective surfaces. He noticed that if you looked close enough then you could see some purple form a bruise. He still had an hour of work to go.

He went to go hand in his reports only to be stopped by Detective Lolli. "Hey rookie. Whats with the stuff on your face," She said gaining some peoples attention. Those people included Amy and Officer Shalt.

"Wow rookie! Is that Make up," Officer Shalt said on the verge of laughing. This got him laughing when he saw Dick tense up. Dick decided to try and play it off as nothing. "I don't know what your talking about," He said. "Rookie I'm a detective. I know things when I see them. I didn't get this far for nothing," Lolli said.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I have no make up on my face," He told them making his face look as clueless as possible. If it was one thing school had taught him it was how to play things off as nothing.

"Okay if your not wearing make up then you wouldn't mind if Amy or me went up to your face with a make up wipe," Lolli said trying to prove a point.

"No way," He said.

At the whole conversation it got the Chief's attention. "What's going on here," He asked.

"The rookie's wearing make up and doesn't want to admit it. Lolli's trying to make a bet to wipe his face with a make up wipe," Amy explained. The conversation now had the whole department's attention.

"Oh come on Richard. If their's no Make up then what do you have to fear," Added said.

"Yeah it's not like you have anything to hide," Amy said. That one hit him hard. He had a lot of things to hide. He knew that if he did do it then they would ask questions, but if he didn't then they would be suspicious. It was ether that or make something up, but their is no way he was doing that.

Everyone was gathering around him now and he knew that he had to do something. "Dick listen if it's nothing then you have nothing to worry about. It's not like we're going to arrest you or something," Amy said. That surprised him as she used his actual name and not rookie like she usually does.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. Lolli walked up to him and saw a small purple circle. "What's that. Are you hiding something," She asked. This caught their attention, and she noticed that Dick tensed up.

She took the wipe and wiped it right where the purple circle was. When she was done she was in shock. "Oh. My. Gosh. Richard what happened to your face. Your all beat up," She said gaining everyone's attention once again.

"I'm fine," he said trying to get her hand away form his face as she was trying to inspect him.

"That's not normal kid," Added said looking at his face as well.

"I had a rough night last night okay," He told them. What he didn't tell them was that it might be worse tonight.

"You should get it looked at. I don't think the chemicals in the make up are good for that," Shalt told him.

"Going back to the make up. You were really good at it. Is that why," Lolli asked her detective instincts kicking in.

"I did get it looked at," He told them avoiding the last question.

"By Who," Amy asked not believing him.

"Leslie, she's been my doctor since I could remember," He told him. "We still need to ask about how and why you would have to go see her in the first place, and if that's the only thing wrong," Amy told him while gesturing to Lolli to wipe the rest of his face.

When she was done they discovered that his left eye was turned into a black eye and his left check was covered in the bruise. "Damn. Whoever did that was aiming on purpose. That was no accident," Shalt said.

Richard was about to respond, but at that moment his phone was beeping and to make his day worse, it was on his desk where Amy was. She looked at the phone to bring it over to him only to read what it said. "Richard, what's with the alarm. It's time. That makes no since. Your shift's not over for another 15 minutes," Amy told him while he groaned.

He gestured for her to bring him his bag that he brings with him everyday. Once he had it he pulled out a water bottle and three different medicine bottles. One was for pain, one headaches, and one to help his stitches, that he got two nights ago, to heal. The pills were all different sizes. The headache was the size of a small circle and the head ache was the shape of a normal pill, but the stitches one was a big pill for the size.

"You must be seriously injured to have to take all of those. In fact you should of take a sick day. Now answer the damn question how did you get those," Chief Added said, shocking everyone.

"I said I'm fine," Richard said in a sharp tone that he usually uses for nightwing stuff. This shocked everyone. He never sounded like that. At the same time a noise came form his phone and he looked at it to see Alfred with the Batsignal

"I've got to take this," He said walking out.

Your going to hear what the call was about, because their is going to be multiple parts to this that will reference the other ones. It was just a warning, because it's not a part two, just more of it's going to pick up where this one left off.

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