This is Me

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Summary: Jason has a secret that not very many people know. In fact only two people know, Bruce and Alfred, but sometimes Jason likes to dress as a girl. (A/N I was going to use Dick for this, but I liked the idea of this for Jason more)

A little warning: Their is just a brief mention of rape in here, nothing to big just to help with the story line, but their is some attempted rape later on to help get the point through. Also mentions of past child abuse.

wow this one if filled with triggers, sorry about that.

Partially inspired by Todrick's song It gets better at the cross dressing part.

Also I am writing this for pride month even though it is almost over with, I did post a video for it, but I didn't want to do a normal relationship thing I wanted to do something different and I don't want to say that Jason is bigender, trans, or genderfluid, it's more like he just dresses up because it makes him feel nice, but he would consider himself a drag queen based on the way he dresses, he just doesn't perform. I hope I didn't make sound to complicated.

Third Person

The Wayne manor was quiet with Bruce and Damien on patrol, Dick in Bludhaven, Tim at a friends house, and The girls went to go have a night out. This left Jason home, not something that happens often.

He decided that since he was home he could do one of his favorite activities, dressing up. Not normal suit and ties dressing, but dresses, skirts, anything that can make him feel girly. He didn't really use wigs or anything for his hair, just spiked it up like he has seen some girls with short hair do.

Usually he would dress up and go out on the streets of Gotham and find something to do, maybe go to a bar, or a club, but tonight something different happened.

Jason was getting ready to go out, he shaved his legs and put on a black dress with green here and their to complement his eyes and put on his makeup to make his face look more femine. He put some glitter around his eyes to make them stand out more, spiked up his hair and put on a pair of black heels.

The only part he didn't like about his dressing up was getting form one place to another, especially in Gotham. He grabbed a big jacket and a pair of sunglasses to hide his features and told Alfred where he was going.

Alfred was the first to know, but never judged him and not soon after Bruce found out because he is the damn Batman and you can't keep anything from him. Those two normally didn't care when Jason went out as long as he made sure to tell at least one of them where he was going.

He acts like they were treating him a child, but he understands that their just worried for him, this is Gotham and just because he wasn't attacked yet for how he looks doesn't mean he won't get attacked later.

He got onto his motorcycle and drove through Gotham until he arrived at the club he normally goes to for when he dresses like this. He didn't plan on anything, maybe a drink here and their, not enough to get him drunk, maybe a dance or two and then he would leave. It wasn't late or dark out yet, but it was close.

He made sure to park his cycle a few blocks away where no one could find it, the only danger of this is walking to the club and back. He made it to the club safely and did exactly like he planned to. He had a few shots of whisky danced to two or three songs. Once he saw how late it was he got up from his stool and walked out of the bar.

He was walking back to his cycle when he felt eyes on him. He looked at the rooftops to see if Bruce or the Demon saw him and started to follow him, but their was nothing. He stopped for a few seconds to take a breath and started to walk again. That was when he heard the footsteps behind him it sounded like two or three other people.

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