Hacking Wayne Enterprises

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Chapter Summary: The first time Robin Hacks Wayne Enterprises.

Dick Grayson was just starting out. Bruce went out without him, because one of the higher ranking villains was out and he wasn't trained enough yet. The Villain was the Joker.

Dick was suppose to be in his bed but he was just not tired. He snuck down into the bat cave and went down to the bat computer. He looked at the tracker for the bat mobile and found that it was just now leaving Arkham.

He searched through until he found the security for Wayne Tech. He looked through everything and got to work. His fingers moved so fast like he's done this a million times, like he was meant to do this, and the strangest thing about it was that he found it fun and enjoyable. He hacked into Wayne tech in under thirty minutes. He looked through everything and was fascinated by all the information.

He scrolled through everything at a medium pace. He didn't understand all of it, but he was taught enough to know the simple basics of what he was reading. He looked back at the map and saw the batmobile take a turn towards Wayne Tech.

Richard laughed and continued scrolling through information before he got the best idea in the world. What if he made a Robin virus. A virus that could hack through anything as long as he could figure it out and when it was hacked it would show a face of Robin so they would know that it was him who hacked them. He tried it out.

At Wayne Tech the first thing Batman saw on the front desktop computer was a giant Robin head and smiled. He got back in the car and drove until he was back in the bat cave.

Their was Richard sitting in the chair messing with a new laptop and simple glove and other random electronics. "Dick what are you doing? You're  suppose to be in bed," Bruce asked him. His simple answer was "A Robin Virus."

"A Robin what," Bruce asked.

"A Robin virus. Think. If Robin could hack anyone using this glove and when finally hacked a robin head shows up instead of a passcode or green light when you press enter to let them know who hacked you. Kind of like a mark of some sorts," Dick explained.

In all honesty Bruce was impressed. He never thought to make a simple glove that goes up to your elbows into a computer and used to hack.

"Ok I like the idea. What will you call it," Bruce asked him.

Richard got a thoughtful expression on his face and thought.

Suddenly he snapped his fingers after five minutes, "I know! I'll call it a holo glove."

"I agree. I'll make you a deal. You can make and keep the holo glove, if you go to bed and continue working on it tomorrow," Bruce asked him.

Richard smiled happily shaking hi head up and down "Deal"

Richard ran up to his room and went to sleep right away.

The next during school the only thing Richard could think about, write about, or draw designs of was the Holo glove he was inventing, until he got home to finish it with Bruce and Alfred.

After lots of hard work it finally came out exactly how he wanted it to be.

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