1. The Secret of the Father

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"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son*, but ONLY the Father."
(Matthew 24:36)

*Some Bible versions do not have nor the Son.

Anyway, the fact still remain: The knowledge about that day or hour is a secret that only the Father, or the Most High, knew it.

But though Jesus spoke like who is not one with his Father in all things, as if he is also weak like his listeners, still he revealed so many things about that hour or day. He said that:

It is a time to gather all chosen ones of the Lord.

It is like the coming of summer to test the endurance of the fig tree* and all the other trees.

*The fig tree represents the people of God.

It is also like the last days before the great flood in Noah's time.

Finally, he described it like the coming of a thief to plunder the house of its unaware owner.

He gave a warning:

Be watchful then or else he will come to you* like a thief in the night.

*His people are also considered living in houses, their earthly bodies, their temples or churches, and he will come to visit them by his spirit.

But understand this:

If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watched and would not have let his house to be broken into.

If he had known what time, he would have kept or stayed alert and watching. But he had not known it. That was the reason why he was not able to remain watchful.

The Lord is teaching here the importance of knowing about the time.
Therefore he asked this:

"Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the owner of the house entrusted him of the other servants to give them their food at the proper time?"

There is a proper time for everything. It is not proper to feed a weak person with hard foods or heavy informations.

So, who is this wise servant to whom God entrusted his church? And when is the proper time to feed his co-servants?

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