18. Resurrection of Souls Today

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Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of his Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
(Revelation 20:6)

During the Lord's Day, John in the spirit saw in a vision that Satan was seized, chained, and was put in the Abyss that will last a thousand years. The purpose? So that he cannot deceive the nations anymore until this thousand years are over. (Read the whole chapter 20 of Revelation)

What else? What are the other reasons why the Lord needed to bind Satan, the strong head of the evil house?

"In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house."
(Mark 3:27)

The Lord needed to tie him up first before he can rob his house or take his possessions because his day is like the coming of a thief in the night. The house of Satan is in the night or darkness because he doesn't know when is the time. He will slumber, and will be surprised.
(Matthew 24:43)

It is also to keep him from deceiving or darkening the minds of nations...
So that the Lord can rob Satan's house...

What else?

To make Satan's house and possessions not safe or unstable.

“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.  But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder."
(Luke 11:21-22)

Satan is the armor of his evil man or his evil church that is why his man is so strong and fully armed guarding his house or kingdom or city and his possessions are safe, undivided, or solid. Stable.

But when the Lord, the stronger man in the parable takes away his armor, the evil man of Satan will become weak and the Lord can divide now his spoils.

What is the near future of a divided kingdom, city, or house?

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
(Mark 3:24-25)

It is in its last days. It will fall soon and be ruined! (Luke 11:17)

Let us see again the reasons why Satan must be bound?

1. So that Satan cannot darken or deceive the minds of the nations, for at his absence, his power of lawlessness is exposed.

2. So that the Lord can plunder Satan's world.

3. So that Satan's kingdom will be a divided spoils and thus it can no longer stand and it is going to fall.

What else?

John saw thrones and those who are seated on them that were given the authority to judge...

So, the appointed judges will execute God's justifiable judgment on this thousand years for this is the right time to do it because the Day reveals everything that was hidden in the past, even the every secret of men's hearts. The Lord exposes the evil or good things in our hearts.

What else?

John saw the souls of those who were beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and of the word of God. They did not worship the beast or its image nor receive its mark on their foreheads or right hand. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead (dead souls) did not come to life until the thousand years have ended. This is the first resurrection.) Blessed and holy are those who have part on it. The second death will not overpower them and they will be priests of God and of his Christ and they will reign with Christ a thousand years.

The reason why their heads were cut-off from them is because of Jesus's testimony and because of the word of God.

(Some Bible translations, however, render in a different way, as if they testified for Jesus and for God's word that is why the enemy cut-off their literal heads. I use the Young's Literal Translation on this particular text. Because the testimony of Jesus and the word of God is so powerful, that when a soul heard and believed it, his head who rules or enslaves him to do sin, will be cut-off or removed from him and thus he will be set free and can have a new head, who is Christ and the head of Christ is God. Then he is resurrected and belong now with the living souls. Not dead anymore.

(It doesn't matter what part of the day you were called to work in his vineyard, early or late, doesn't matter. God sees us all equally and we will receive equal rewards at the end. It doesn't matter whether we are resting or sleeping now (when our body dies) because in God, we are alive and reigning with his Christ a thousand years. We are serving as priests because we are offering our bodies to God as living sacrifices, to be burned and purified by the fiery truth and use them as tools for righteousness.

(So, it is truly blessed and holy are the souls who have a share in this first resurrection.)

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