3. The Word of Prophecy

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Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking.
I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.
(2Peter 3:1-2)

This letter is specifically addressed to his spiritual brothers who will be present even during the last days or end times where many scoffers will come and taunt them by saying, "He promised to come, didn't he? Where is he now? Where is his Day? Everything goes on since the creation! Nothing has changed!"

So, we must recall not only the words of the prophets but also the words or instructions through our apostles because:

They have the word of the prophets made more certain (Or, was made more sure) and we will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the Day dawns and the Morning Star rises* in our hearts."

*The Day and the Morning Star or the Light, are one. The Lord is our Sun or Star of Righteousness and he is one with his Day. When he has risen already in our hearts, all the hidden things in darkness will be revealed for the darkness will be totally purged away by his Day.

How can we understand the words of the prophets if they are written in sealed words, and only a spirit who came from God can understand them? For a spirit who is deaf and blind cannot understand the things from God.
(Isaiah 29:11-14)

This is the promise of God:

"On that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see."

God will heal his chosen people on that great day of his servant so that they will understand it too and will not be consumed by it. Instead, they will be purified like silver and tested like gold. And their number is the third part of the whole land.
(Zechariah 13:8-9; Daniel 12:10)

Why third?

Because when an evil power attacked the heavens, third of the stars were hurled and trampled down by the dragon.
(Daniel 8:10; Revelation 12:4)

They are the heavenly or spiritual brothers of Christ whom he redeemed and brought back to their original place.

But because of his great sacrifice, God promised to give him also a portion from the numerous or many and the plunder from a strong one, he will divide.
(Isaiah 53:12)

The 2/3 of the whole earth is now a part of the plundered house, divided against each other, to be struck down and perish. They belong to the man doomed to destruction.

Shall we then boast about this?

But we should be humbled more and fear God with a holy fear. For we are not chosen because its our choice or efforts, but by God's own will and election from the foundation of the whole world. In the appointed time, he called us and gave us the faith that is from Him through Christ so that we will believe and follow Him.

So, if we are really belong to God and to his sons, we are happy and eager now to recall the words of God's prophets because we believe that those words will enlighten us more as the Day dawns in our hearts. (2Peter 1:19)

God has all the rights to make two kinds of pottery out of the same lump of clay, and the other group has no right to accuse someone they don't believe in and instead they delight in wickedness.

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