5. The Thousand Years

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Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold of the dragon, the old serpent, who is also called as devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
He threw him into the abyss, shut and sealed it over him, so that he cannot deceive the nations (or the pagans) anymore until the thousand years are completed.
But after that, he will be set free for a short time.
(Revelation 20:1-3)

Satan is the darkness who is covering the power of lawlessness or wickedness. If he is removed, the nations have no excuses anymore if they will still continue on their own ways, for the Day will expose everything that were once hidden by darkness whether it is good or evil.

Christ, the first fruits, can now execute the fair judgment of God.
The time has come for the souls who belong to him (the ones who came to life) to serve and reign with him for a thousand years.

As we have learned from the former chapters that the Christ of God are the saints of the Most High headed by Jesus, and they formed the One whom God trusted as servant, this servant (collective noun) is also the Lord of God's vineyard.
He went out to call workers to work for him. Some were called early, some were called late, and still, even when the Day was almost over, he continued to call. But all of them received the same amount of reward or wage at the end of the day.

Jesus said that it will be the same in the kingdom (rule or reign) of God.

This is true during these thousand years. Blessed and holy are the ones who have part in this first resurrection because the second death cannot overpower them anymore. They will serve as priests of God and of his Christ and will reign with Him* a thousand years.

*Christ is the First Fruits. Plural. (1Corinthians 15:23) In Revelation 14, the first fruits are 144,000 people from all the tribes of Israel.

Because of the powerful testimony of Jesus and of the word of God, the evil head that is enslaving them or heading them to sin was cut off and Christ now became their new head.
They no longer belong to the so-called dead souls for all of them were made now as new people. Their life is not in the flesh anymore but are now in the spirit, hidden in heaven, in God, and in Christ. Their new spirit who is born of God is their new and eternal life.
They are offering their bodies to God to be used as instruments for righteousness. That is the priesthood under the new covenant. All souls who have eternal spirits now are serving as priests of God and his Christ.

On the other hand, Satan's kingdom is left as a ruin. His sons and people are now fighting against each other. They have now separate dominions and are free from each other to rule within the same kingdom.

The iron rulers or the gods that are hard as iron are trying to mend the breach of their dominion by mingling themselves with the seed of men, the clay power, but to no avail. The religious authority and political authority remained separated for almost or more than 200 years now, since from the downfall of the once strongest religious power on earth who is seated in Rome and who once wielded both of these two great authorities, religious and civil.

The rock will soon ultimately break and end this whole statue or house of evil, including all its kingdoms: the iron, the clay, the silver, and the gold.

Therefore, unless a man can understand this present day and can hear the loud voice from heaven calling for all His people to come out, that person will also end up the same fate like this statue that has eyes but cannot see and ears that cannot hear.

But how can we discern or understand this present time?
Our Lord gave many signs about the bright end times or last days of this world.

Jesus narrated the signs of the end times in Matthew 24 which starts at the coming of many who claim themselves as the anointed one. Many because the solid church of Satan is now divided into many factions opposing against each other. These fake anointed ones together with their fake bodies or churches will deceive those who are blind and deaf like them, but the people of the saints will be healed and so that they can hear and see and understand the present time.

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