10. The End Times

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Daniel 12 is the continuation of the conversation between Daniel and the heavenly man who is always one with Michael.

At that time Michael the great prince of your people will arise...

And it will be a time of:

-great distress for all nations but deliverance for the people of the saints

-awakening of those who sleep in the dust of the earth*, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt

* All men are but dust of the earth and many that are dwelling in them will wake up.... they are the souls and spirits of men.

-those who are wise and leading many to righteousness will shine like the stars for ever and ever

-restlessness for many to increase knowledge

-opening the sealed words of the prophets, a day of revelation

How long until all these astonishing things are fulfilled?

It will be for a time, times, and half a time;* when the power of the holy people has finally broken, all these things will be completed.

*Another set of times like the length of times of dark ages, the rise of Michael and the power of his holy people will also reign a thousand years. Another 1,260 years, but now, it's not dark years but bright times.

What will be the result or final outcome of these end times?

Many will be purified, made spotless and refined. But the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand but the wise will understand it fully.

So, the day of reconsecration for God's people will take place with a thousand year length of time.

It is an hour for many sleeping souls in the dust of the earth (men of the earth) to awake. But as it is written, not all will wake up and not all who wakes up will find eternal life.

What will happen further after these thousand years of reconsecration?

The abominable will rise again and will do the same thing as he has done before. It will be the final repetition of history: the very last dark days.

From the time that the daily sacrifice or the daily intercession of priesthood is removed or has stopped (that's the end of the thousand years), and the abominable one is set up again in the holy place, there will be 1,290 days. Then blessed is the who one waits more and reaches the end of 1,335 days.

If these very last days (1,290 days and 1,335 days) will not be shortened, for example, if these are not literal days but years, then nobody will survive the holocaust or annihilation against the third of mankind. But God elected some of these third of mankind to remain alive and will witness the sounding of the last trumpet, the 7th trump.

And at the sounding of the last trumpet, all who fell asleep will be awakened again and their bodies will be brought back to life, and we will all be changed, from mortal bodies to immortal ones so we can live in them forever and ever.

We are now finished on Daniel's book. Next, the book of Revelation. The book that will explain more on the previous prophecies.

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