7. The Beasts and the Saints, Part 1

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(Read Daniel 7)

We jumped back from chapter 8 because before the rise of the four horns whose from one of them came out an abominable horn, Daniel was shown first a vision about these four powers to rise in the future. They are symbolized by four brute beasts who came up out of the sea to rule the earth. They are from a different realm to rule over the realm of dust or humans, which the earth signifies. The sea signifies the realm of waters or spirits.

The first one is like a lion. The second is like a bear. The third one is like a leopard. Finally, the fourth one is very different, very strong and terrifying, devouring the whole earth and trampling the remnants, and it has iron teeth.* It has also a very different horn who attacked the saints of the Most High, tried to change the set times and the laws, and the saints were handed to him for a time, times, and half a time.*

*Or, a year, two years, and half a year in other versions.

*The iron teeth signifies that this fourth beast will have a connection with the fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 which is described as iron. This beast will use the iron kingdom as his teeth to devour. Also, it has feet like that of a bear, bronze claws, body like a leopard, and mouth like that of a lion.

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome became its body parts. It devoured them and made them become its body. While the rest that it cannot devour, the saints, it trampled them underfoot.

But after this, the court will sit and the power of that horn will be taken away to annihilate him permanently.

The beasts are four kings, also four kingdoms, who will rise and will rule the earth. But the one who is like a Son of Man will receive power, glory, and great dominion, so that all nations will serve him.

It was revealed to Daniel that this one man is the Saints of the Most High. Surely, the head of this one body is Jesus. They will be given the right to execute judgment after their times of oppression and captivity are fulfilled.

After this day of judgment, the people of the saints (the saints have people as their bodies) will receive all the powers of the kingdoms under heaven.

After this vision, Daniel was given another vision to explain more about these four kingdoms, hence the vision in chapter 8, the rise of four horns which from one of them will rise an abominable king.

According to the testimony revealed by world's history, after the death of Alexander the Great, the large horn of Greece, he was replaced by four chaotic warlords that brought the kingdom of the Greeks into carnage and bloodshed. It was also a very trying time for the chosen people.

And in the latter part of their reign, when the people reached the peak of their rebellion against God, a new power came up from one of them _ from one of the four horns_ which is no other than the spirit or power who later carved the Great Roman Empire. It is an empire considered by many historians as once part of Greece. Its traditions and especially its gods and goddesses are the same of that with the Greeks, only that they changed their names, for his people belongs to a new group of men, the Romans.
It possesses all the characteristics of the former Greco kingdoms because it swallowed them all and became parts of his body. The rest who are not belong to him and whom he cannot devour to be a part of his body, he trampled them underfoot. The Roman empire fulfilled the iron teeth of the fourth beast.

But who is the horn or power that came out from this kingdom and became the prominent leader, the one who, after the rise of ten earlier horns, uprooted three of them to show his power over them, and he even attacked and magnified himself above the stars or saints of God and stood like the Prince of princes?

Apostle Paul called him as the man of sin and son of perdition, and also as the hidden or secret power of lawlessness who will soon desecrate God's temple, the one whose works are in accordance with the works of Satan that is keeping him from exposure, withholding his revelation until Satan is taken out of the way.
(2Thessalonians 2:1-9)

In short, this is the Antichrist together with his body or church. He and his body will be revealed when the Lord comes and he will be killed and destroyed during that fiery Day to re-consecrate once again the sanctuary or the people of God.

]When the people of the saints or church is desecrated, the saints are also desecrated. Hence, the church or temple of God needs reconsecration. To do that, they will re-consecrate or restore their people once again by the powerful blood of our High Priest.]

Although, this enemy was already present during the first century AD and even before its rise to prominence, he was still hidden in those times. His evil schemes and deceptions were unknown to the people of the world because Satan was present and darkening their minds and hearts and controlling the whole world. People had and excuse.

But when is this re-consecration begins? When will this enemy exposed?

It will happen when the Darkness who is hiding him will be removed, who is no other than Satan himself. He will be seized, chained, and imprisoned before the justifiable day of judgment or reconsecration begins.

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