9. The Great War

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Daniel 10 and 11

One like a man came to Daniel and revealed to him about a great war that is about to happen, a war greater than the wars of men.
He said that his only companion in fulfilling the words of God written in the book of truth is Michael, the great prince of Israel.

The man said that he will return to the prince of Persia to fight him, then the prince of Greece will come. And then he enumerated the rise and downfall and rivalries of many more kings and kingdoms until the rise of the king of the north. This king is the same as the king described in Daniel 7 and 8 in our previous chapters. It is the king or power that will rise after the rise of 10 kings inside the Roman Empire; the king who will show his authority by subjugating three of them; the king who will oppress the saints of the Most High, try to change the set times and laws, and the king who will magnify himself above every god and will stand like God and like Christ.

After the first part of the 2,300 years in the prophecy is finished, which was the 490 years, the dragon, that was thrown out through the victory of Christ in heaven and at the same time on earth, has returned. Using the kingdom of pagan Rome and the teachings of Persia, Greece, and Babylon through his messengers, the persecution against the church began. In the second century AD, when all the apostles were no longer with the people according to the flesh though they remain to fight for the truth according to their spirits, the enemies took this advantage and they begin to insert the teachings of demons. The people who remained faithful were imprisoned and were killed while the others began to turn away from the truth and gradually accepting an adulterated gospel. The saints were being defeated and oppressed. Their people were turning away from the truth. The exalted position of their people was being thrown down. The holy city of God was left desolated.

In the third century, the people finally embraced an adulterated truth and followed the church of the empire. When their rebellion has reached its peak, God finally let this power of lawlessness to reign over them. During the ends of the third century until the fourth century, 10 barbaric kings brought destruction and barbarism and began to destabilize the central government of the world. Historians called it as the final downfall of Rome and the beginning of the thousand dark years. In AD 476, one of the 7 heads of the abominable beast received a seemingly fatal wound. It was actually a fake wound for the purpose of deceiving the world. The wound was healed and the beast continued to live under the leadership of its abominable church. The fake light begin to rule and the real darkness begins.

The fall of the western head of the empire was like a fatal wound to many people and during that time, the people crawled in darkness and searched for light, and they have found it in the leadership of the Roman church. The fatal wound of its western head was miraculously healed. Gradually, the authority to rule the world was transferred to the church and the Roman pontiff, or the prince, shepherd, vicar of Christ and of God on earth, became its visible head.

But he was only able to proclaim fully his claims and teachings to the whole world by showing first his great influence and authority, by silencing the three heretic kings: the king of the Vandals (493 AD), the king of the Heruli (534 AD), and the king of the Ostrogoths (538 AD). They were Arian in faith and they were contradicting the authority of the so-called Holy Father of Rome.

The other kings were of the Franks, Alemani, Burgundians, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, Lombards, and Suevi, making up 10 kings of barbaric people.

After these ten powers, the abominable power began its 1,260 year-reign which ended in 1798. The downfall of this evil spirit was seen when his current image at that time, Pius VI, was seized and imprisoned and died in his cell in Valence, France. The spiritual authority and physical authority of his world begin to separate.

The ten spiritual kings mentioned are still present today but their powers were now taken and divided to the people. But when the red beast, that is, the red dragon, will be released at the end of this bright day, these 10 will rise again to power and serve the dragon for the last time.

Now, back in the year AD 538, therefore, the throne of the prince of this evil world was finally established and began trying to change the set times and laws by teaching that his reign together with his church is the fulfillment of the thousand year-rule of Christ and the salvation of every human beings depends on their submission to the Holy Father of Pagan Rome.

Augustine, one of the physical leaders of the Roman church, interpreted Christ's millenial reign as the reign of christianity which, therefore, included and elevated the church of the Roman empire.

This boastful horn wielded his great authority for an exact 1,260 years. It was ended when the French people, influenced by democracy, entered Rome, seized the present image of this horn, Pius VI. and took him away as a prisoner in 1798. He died in Valence, France the following year while still in prison. This marked the end of the great authority of the papacy.

The time, times, and half a time, or as translated by other versions, a year, two years, and half a year, or 1,260 days in the Jewish calendar was fulfilled. (See Daniel 7:25).

Between the year 1798 and the year 1844, the transition of times, from spiritual winter to spiritual summer, was seen by the whole world. The dark times had ended, the bright times have began!

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