20. The Seven Trumpets

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Read Revelation Chapter 9 to 11

John saw a scroll with seven seals but the Lamb of God came and unsealed the scroll. He opened all the seven seals. When he opened the last seal, it was revealed that it is a time of sounding the seven trumpets of God.

The blowing of a trumpet signifies the coming or presence of the Lord and the gathering of his scattered elect from all corners of the earth.
(Matthew 24:30-31)

But the last trumpet signifies the time when we will be awakened to receive our reward, our immortal bodies, because in an instant, our mortal bodies will be changed into immortal ones.
(1Corinthians 15:51-54)

The first four trumpet calls and warnings are the destruction of the third part of creation to be renewed.
I strongly believe this.

The enemy attacked the heaven and was able to throw down and trample on the third of its starry army but God sent his Messiah and redeemed his brothers. Not only that, because of his faithfulness, God promised him to receive a portion from among many as his inheritance. This third part of the whole land are God's possessions and will be purified and tested during his great day. (Daniel 8:10, Revelation 12:4; Zechariah 13:8-9, Isaiah 53:12)

The Abyss where Satan and his faithful hordes are imprisoned will be opened at the 5th sounding of trumpet and the Angel of Destruction will be released to darken the earth once again, to deceive the people of the world by torturing them for 5 months while excluding the trees, grass, and all the green plants. (We know who are these plants.) This will result hatred against them and so, at the release of the four angels who are bound in the great Euphrates river at the 6th trump, they will easily mount a 200 million troops to hunt and kill this third of mankind. This will be the final war against God's people and if those days will not be shortened, no one of them will survive to witness the last sounding of trumpet.

What are the great events that will take place when the last trumpet sounds?

Read Revelation 11:15-19

God will pour out now his final wrath and destruction to all destroyers of the earth and will give the reward for all his servants from the greatest to the smallest.

And the sanctuary in heaven was opened and in it was seen the ark of his covenant or his law.

Do you think that the law which is written inside God's temple and his people are the Ten Commandments? If it is, which Law: the one under Moses or the one under Christ in which the Sabbath is made bigger or magnified?

If the temple in heaven is the church which is the body of the saints, then the Law which is inside them is the Law of God which we observe in the new way... the new way of the Spirit and not according to the old way of the written code (Romans 7:6).

That is all for now, friends. I hope this helps you in your study of the Scriptures and to the empowerment of your faith that there is a God, our God, who foreknew the future for he set it up in advance for our benefits. Though he hid the message in symbols, he also gave us the way to decipher them so that we can understand them.

Praise the Lord of the past, the present, and the future. He was, he is, and he will.

So be it.

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