17. The Beast Who is in the Abyss Today

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The beast which you saw was here once, NOW IS NOT HERE, but will come out soon up from the Abyss going into his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names were not written in the book of the living before the foundation of the world will be astonished when they will see this beast, because he was here once, NOW IS NOT HERE, but will reappear.

(Revelation 17:8)

Again, let us remind ourselves when reading all the revelations written by John, that he saw and heard these during the Lord's Day because his eyes and ears are the eyes and ears of his spirit who enabled him to travel forward in time while he was in the island of Patmos about 2,000 years ago. (Revelation 1:10)

If we read the entire 17th chapter of Revelation, the topic is almost about the great city that rules over the kings of the earth who once rode on the back of a scarlet beast. She was on his back once, I say, because the revelation says "this beast is not here now." By careful examination of the scriptures, we know where is this beast during the Lord's Day. He is down in the Abyss.

His city is no longer riding on his back but fallen and just sitting now on many waters, that is, on peoples, languages, and multitudes.

I believe that this city is also the capital of the kingdom to whom the red beast gave his power, throne, and great authority to deceive the whole world in the past, that is, the times before the Lord's Day. Thus, this city is one with the beast who is like the dragon.

This city is drunk with the blood of the saints. She is responsible for their martyrdom and she is full of blasphemous names. (This is the one clue that this city is one with the beast with blasphemous names, the one who is like the red dragon, that has 7 heads and 10 horns also.

Five of her kings have fallen already, the 6th one is reigning at the moment, and the 7th will still to come.

The red beast who is now in the Abyss is the 8th king and he belongs to these 7 kings. When the 7th king will come, he will just stay for a little while for the red beast will be the final ruler at his release.

The 10 horns are the 10 kings of the earth who have no powers now but soon will rule with the red beast and they will serve him. They will wage war against the Lord and his people but they will never win. So, they will hate the evil city and will tear her to pieces and burn her with fire. God will put all this in their hearts to accomplish his purpose.

So, who is this red beast that is not present on the Lord's Day? It is Satan, the red dragon.

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