6. Day of Reconsecration

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The day of judgment is also a time of re-consecration for the people of God, his real temple or tabernacle, for his spirit resides in them. The people will need a re-consecration because an abominable power will re-desecrate them by bringing down their exalted place or position. The Hebrew word for re-consecration can also mean restoration or salvation or redemption. The people or tabernacle of the holy army needed a restoration.

When will this day come?

It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be re-consecrated.
(Daniel 8:14)

This is the length of time to be consumed by the vision of Daniel about a ram, goat, and the rise and fall of a boastful horn before the day of restoration comes.

(Please read the whole chapter 8 of Daniel.)

The vision depicted began in a particular time of the Median and Persian kings (the two-horned ram) who subjugated Babylon and divided her kingdom, until they were succeeded by the king of Greece (the he-goat with a prominent horn between his eyes), until that large horn was broken off and was replaced by four horns and from one of these four kingdoms or horns, came out a little horn, who grew in power and even dared to attack the heavens, threw down and trampled on some of the starry army and brought down the high place of their sanctuary. Its power was broken eventually but not by human hands.

How long for this vision to be fulfilled - the vision about the daily sacrifice to be given away and the holy army to be trampled on?

It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings.

Angel Gabriel translated them as many days to come.

They are 2,300 days.
After these appointed times, the sanctuary (tabernacle, temple, church or the people of God) will be cleansed again, or be restored in their original state by removing the dirty horn/king or by purging him away from God's people. These series of big historical events don't take place for only a two thousand and three hundred literal days. Not enough time.

These 2,300 days therefore are prophetical days of years.
If we can only pinpoint at what particular time of the Medo-Persian reign this 2,300 years started, then we will also know when it will end, and when the day of reconsecration begins.

We are told that Daniel became sick after the visions.

But Gabriel returned to him to give him more understanding and insight about it in Daniel 9, some years later.

He is going to reveal when this 2,300 years will start.

But first, we will step back to chapter 7.

The coming of the four beasts or kingdoms and the horn who will desecrate the sanctuary and oppress the saints. The dirty horn from one of these four animal kingdoms desecrated the temple or the people of the saints, their people who were consecrated by the blood of Christ.

The saints had known about this future desecration and also the future re-consecration that will start after the 2,300 years is finished.

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