Chapter 50

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"We're checking out early," Harry pulled me by my elbow up to the front desk, like I wasn't going to leave him? That was the whole point of this, I wouldn't leave him.

"What room?" the lady asked nicely.

"608," Harry looked down at me from the corner of his eye and I felt my face flush. Why was he acting this way? I wasn't just going to slip away from him! Where would I have to go? No where.

"Alright Mr. Styles," the lady looked up from her computer. "Hope you had a nice stay. See you again soon!" Harry gave her an awkward pained smile and continued to pull me by my elbow.

He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hi, I would like a cab..." 

I tuned him out after that. I was sick of the way he spoke to me like a child. I was obviously naive and stupid to think that what we have is special, because it's not. He doesn't love me. I'm following him around like a lost child all the freaking time. I don't even know who I am anymore?! Who am I without Harry?! I honestly couldn't answer that. He's been my everything since the day I moved to Maine, whether I wanted to admit it or not. He has been on my mind since the day I saw him at that stupid table in that stupid house with my stupid eyes. My feelings are too strong for him and he doesn't feel the same way I do. He said so himself, he doesn't know if he'll ever say those three words to me, which means he won't. Harry doesn't know how to love, so why am I even trying anymore?

I deserve to be treated like an actual teenager in love. I deserve to have him tell me he loves me back! Harry was making me lose my mind. No, all this teenage bullshit love fest is making me crazy. I knew this wasn't a good idea going into this relationship. What we have is no different than anyone else. What's going to happen after we graduate is, I am going to go to school and he's going to stay in Maine and be a washed up high school student preying on naive girls like me. That's his future. I refuse to let it be mine.

"Go outside, I'll meet you there in a second," Harry mumbled into my ear and let go of my elbow. I gave him a look to leave me the hell alone and I grabbed my stuff and did what I was told.

Fuck, I suck at sticking up for myself. I'm just so in love with him I can't even distinguish how strong I am to stay away from him. I won't stay away from him. That will never happen. If he tells me to stay in Maine with him, I know I'd stay. But if he continues to be hurtful and never say those three words back, I will leave and I won't come back. Ever. 

I promised myself that as I sat on a bench waiting for my small town lover to come join me.

The yellow car came up to the side of the road thirty minutes later and I huffed out a breath I had been holding in with my anger towards the boy sitting too quietly next to me. 

"Get in the car, I'll get your stuff," Harry mumbled as a Indian man came out to greet us.

"Hi, how are you?" he shook Harry's hand as I opened the backseat door and slid in with my phone and purse on my lap. I took out some headphones and put them in so Harry wouldn't feel forced to talk to me.

About a minute later Harry slid in next to me and we caught eachother's sly gaze to the other. My cheeks turned a pink and I closed my eyes and rested my head on the side of the car. 

I didn't even need to open my eyes to feel Harry staring at me. My phone turned off, dead with no chance of recharging soon. I kept my eyes closed and my headphones in just in case Harry wanted to continue fighting with me more.

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