Chapter 57

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Callie's POV

"So, where are we going?" I asked taking his elbow in my manicured hand.

"Call Alaric and tell him Alex and you are at Logan's party tonight," Harry smirked as we walked across the blacktop to get to his Range Rover.

"Alright," I agreed speculatively.

Harry smirked down at me as I took my cell phone out and called Ric. Once we got to the car, Harry looked nervous.

"What's wrong with you?" I grabbed his hand when he began to drive down the main road, passing our houses and the boutique as well as the music store. I wonder what Harry did with all that money...

"What do you think about spending the night with me at a hotel? I know it's not the most romantic place, but I think we're ready, Cal," Harry gave my hand a squeeze and my skin went cold. He wants me?

"You want to have sex with me?" I asked desperately, my voice coming up an octave.

"If you're ready..." his hand brushed against my thigh and I could already feel myself getting worked up.

"Do you really have to ask that?" I laughed and ran my fingers up his arm while he chuckled, too.

"You never know. Girls are always changing their mind and deciding something," Harry took his eyes off the road and made a glance at me.

"True. But, I've always wanted you, haven't I?" I smirked and pulled my knees up to my chest in the seat, enjoying my view of my oh-so lovely boyfriend.

"I hope so."

"You should know so."

"Glad to hear that, my love."

"What's with the 'my love' thing now, Harry?" I took him and myself by surprise when my big, fat mouth opened up.

"What? Me calling you that?"


"Well, I don't know. Do you not like it?" His smile wasn't playful or flirty in any way, but it was almost testing, like he was searching for my reaction to it.

"No, I love it," I smiled back at him. "It's just...never mind."

"What?" His head snapped toward me as we got on the highway.

"Nothing," I giggled and shyed my face away from him.

"Tell me," he reached his hand out and began tickling me on my rib cage.

"It's nothing. I promise you!" I cowered from his hand as he steadied the wheel and secured it with both of his hands.

"You're a liar, Ms. Steele," Harry stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm only what the beholder seeks, Mr. Styles!" I hit his shoulder and rested my head on the head rest looking out my window as cars passed by. The night was so beautiful, the trees on the side of the highway were blowing together in the wind almost as if they were urging our car to get off this exit. The stars up in the sky were lighting up the dark atmosphere and the moon reflected the sun's light onto us to help the trees show us our way off the road.

"Ready to get out of the car?" Harry smiled so impressionably, I had to smile too. "Wow, now that was a smile. I like your smile, you know that?" 

Harry drove the car past the nicest hotel I've seen off the highway in miles.

"Harry, where are we going?" I looked around as a McDonald's passed by and about three more popped up as we drove along down side roads. 

"I lied when I said I was taking you to a hotel," Harry made a quick left turn and I held onto the side of the car for support. 

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