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Reyna's POV

I was startled by the pounding on my door. It was unusual to get a call this late in the night. It must have been important and if it wasn't than the knocker would be punished... severly. I slipped out of bed rushing to put normal clothes on. I had become a master at changing quickly over the years. In no less than a minute I was bouncing down the stairs of my quarters towards the door. From the sounds outside I could tell more than one person was awake. My curiosity peaked and I opened the door. Frank was standing in front of me his lips pressed together in a grim expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked knowing that look all to well. He stepped aside revealing a crowd of demigods gathered around something. Whispers passed through the crowd at an immense speed.

"Do you think she's dead?"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know there's too much blood and grime."

I made my way to the group of people who hardly noticed my arrival. I apologized as I pushed through the crowd until I came to the center where the object of interest rested. It was a girl laying unconscious in the path. Blood had stained the pavement looking like tar in the dark. Her shoulder was a mangled mess and cuts had covered almost every bare inch of her skin. Her leg was bleeding profusely from what looked to be a bite wound. Other injuries littered her pale skin. Stepping over a splatter of blood I knelt next to the injured person. They were laying face down and for a moment I thought she wasn't breathing. But there was a steady rise and fall to her chest. With careful hands I rolled the limp body over. My skin prickled and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I realized who it was. People in the crowd must have recognized her too due to the collective gasp.

"Thalia." I hadn't said that name in a long time. In fact I hadn't seen her in a long time. Then again she was part of the Hunt. They didn't stick around very long. Her eyes snapped open and she jerked backwards nearly taking out a crowd of people.

"Woah, woah!" Frank called holding his hands up in a friendly none threatening gesture. "It's just us. Relax."

Thalia let out a sigh of relief. I noticed her bad limp and the way her eyes struggled to focus on anything. Frank caught my eye and he seemed to understand what needed to be done. "Everyone, please go back to bed. Everything is fine. She's up and moving."

"You expect us to go to bed after this?" A girl asked keeping Thalia from tipping sideways back onto the ground. She really was unsteady.

"At least report back to the barracks. We'll deal with this in the morning. In the mean time Miss Grace will receive medical attention." I stated backing up Frank's directions. There were grumbles of irritation but they all dispersed.  Frank moved forward and scooped Thalia up in one swift motion. The injured Daughter of Zeus groaned in irritation.

"I don't need to be carried," she fumed. Frank simply rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right. You could hardly stand." Thalia shot him a death glare.
Frank followed me back inside my quarters easing Thalia onto the edge of the table where she sat impatiently. Her eyes kept darting to the door as if she expected something to come crawling inside. I rummaged through the cabinets until I found the first aid kit. Frank stood awkwardly to the side looking unsure of what to do. I pulled out different contents and set them on the table. Thalia's eyes had taken on a distant look still trained on the door. Frowning, I waved a hand in front of her face as she snapped back to reality.

"Sorry," She grumbled her gaze turning to a glare though she was only looking at the wall. I began to bandage her wounds and she hardly flinched as I rubbed the open sores with disinfectant. She ate a small square of ambrosia as I put up my supplies. As soon as everything was tucked away she leapt to her feet and headed to the door. "Thanks for fixing me up but I need to get going."

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