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Reyna's POV

Jason's apology was awkward as hell. He didn't exactly know what to do or more specifically what to say.

"So uh..." He scratched the back of his head. "I guess I have to apologize for being a total jerk or as Thalia said an-"

"Asshole." I wasn't exactly being nice but hey? Who would be?

"Yeah exactly. Anyways, I'm sorry. I was out of line and I didn't mean half of what I said. I wasn't angry at you just upset and kind of scared." Jason tried for a smile.  "And it seems like you two kind of have a thing going."

"What?" I asked confused. Jason frowned now also looking confused.

"I mean er so you guys aren' know what never mind my bad." Jason said adjusting his glasses before extending his hand. "We're cool again right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, shaking his hand and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the big smile he now wore. In the end neither of us could really stay pissed at one another because we still saw one another as childhood friends.

"Now I got to go. It's past my bedtime." Jason said.

"You have a bed time? Who gave you that? Annabeth?" I asked.

"Nico actually," Jason laughed. "I just do it to amuse him. He likes to be in control of small things and I think he's just so used to taking care of Hazel that he gets stuck in Parent mode and bosses me around too."

"Makes sense." I nodded. "Speaking of which I should probably get going."

"Right, yeah, don't let me hold you up." Jason said awkwardly shifting aside. Laughing quietly I headed back to the Artemis cabin and found a spot to squeeze into. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep but it felt like my rest was awfully too short.

"Rise and shine losers!" Thalia called, earning a few laughs. Confused I sat up and snickered. She had a squirt bottle in her hand and had sprayed Hylla who glared angrily.

"I'm going to kill you." She said wiping the water off of her face. And just like that the day started with Thalia running for her life as my sister went on the war path.

"Why do I feel like this is normal?" I asked. Zuri smiled brightly.

"Because it is. One time Thalia threw mud at someone who was sleeping in. So for payback we all teamed up together and got up super early and dumped a bucket of ice water on her. It was hysterical. She wasn't even mad it was so funny," Zuri laughed.

I dressed quickly and headed outside squinting from the sun that attacked my eyes. Kids were already heading for breakfast except there was a business like air to it. Today was going to be the day everything was decided. No more interruptions period. 

"Annabeth protect me." Thalia said ducking behind a confused Annabeth.

"What did you do?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Thalia lied.

"That's not what Hylla says." Percy snickered and snatched up the squirt bottle spraying the girls and running off. Annabeth silently fumed.

"I didn't even do anything." She said flatly but couldn't help but smile as Percy squirted other people, managing to squirt Piper in the eye. He was now apologizing to her an excessive amount.

"Alright enough, go eat." Chiron ordered, trotting by and taking the water weapon away shaking his head.

With that breakfast passed relatively fine except for Thalia, Percy, and Nico using their silverware to catapult food at one another before Jason confiscated the weaponry and Piper stole it, giving them back to the hooligans.

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