Reunions...Reunions Everywhere

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Thalia's POV

Breaking the news to the others that we were in it for ourselves was harder than I expected. I guess a part of me had a small ounce of hope that maybe just maybe we could pull through with this. But that hope was gone now and it was seen rather clearly on the faces of everyone.

"Sorry." Was all I could say. It was the simplest form of an apology I could muster without getting angry or emotional.

"Don't be, it's not like any of us expected anything." Malcolm gave a sympathetic smile.
"Just so you know some of them wanted to help." I said as if it would soften the blow. "Your mother being one of them."

Annabeth and Malcolm nodded as did their siblings earning some consolation from the fact.

"As did Hades, Poseidon, Artemis, and Hermes." Reyna added.

Connor and Travis both smiled at their Father's name. It was a proud smile one I wish I could have had for my parents. Jason looked at me expectantly almost like his same old six year old self.

"What'd Dad do?" He asked.

"He uh...well he said no to helping but it was only because of the ancient rules otherwise he said he'd consider lending a hand." I smiled reassuringly but the words I forced meaning behind only made me feel on the brink of tears. I had to lie to him to spare h from the truth.

Reyna glanced at me from her peripheral and I saw a look in her eyes that I didn't want to see at the moment. Pity. Jason nodded and seemed to think it was a good answer.

"In the meantime war preparations continue. Be ready for everything. It's a guessing game right now. Attacks could happen at any moment so keep your eyes open," Reyna said earning some nods from the group. She turned to Annabeth to see if she had anything to add.

"We're gonna have to pick up the pace though. I suggest we take a lunch break out and just eat dinner," Annabeth sighed knowing it wasn't what everyone wanted to hear.

"Or you could have extra hands." Chiron piped up from behind us. I glanced back at the group of demigods in front of us and large grins appeared on their faces while some stared in disbelief.

"No way." Percy squealed and jumped up to his feet. "Dad!"

"What's he talking ab-" I turned around and was surprised to see not only Poseidon, but Athena, Artemis, and even Hermes.

"We figured we'd break the rules a bit." Hermes said smiling lopsidedly earning a cheer from Travis and Connor.

"Some people took some convincing." Poseidon said looking pointedly at Athena.

Annabeth laughed slightly. "You mean you broke the rules?"

Athena shrugged. "It's oddly exhilarating."

"We've corrupted her," Hermes and Poseidon smiled proudly giving each other high fives.

Artemis rolled her eyes and smiled warmly at me before being tackled by Zuri and the others in a massive group hug. That's when chaos broke loose. The Hermes and Athena cabins crowded around their respective Parent talking rapidly and quickly practically bursting with excitement.

"Brother!" A loud but childish voice called. Without having to look I knew it was Tyson who was barreling towards Percy with his arms outstretched.

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