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Reyna's POV

It happened in an instant. They were far away and then in seconds they were centimeters from clashing with us. With a sigh I braced myself for what was to come. The wolves slammed into the shields instantly crippling the front defense of troops. If we stayed together we'd be cut down easily.

"Fan out." I ordered. They split into three groups providing combat room. A wolf was pinned down by it's throat with a spear.

Arrows from the archers that lined the walls rained down from the sky like deadly wasps swarming the enemy. Lunging wolves were frozen mid air as silver arrows pierced their skins. They melted into shadows never to be seen again.

For a moment a brief reprieve occurred but it wasn't long as the gaps in the enemy lines were easily filled.

"Push forward!" Malcom sounded in the earpiece I'd been given. "All lines push forward if we're caught against the wall we lose before we even get a chance."

"Lock shields." I called ducking a stray arrow allowing it to slam into an unsuspecting wolf. "Arrow formation. We have to push forward."

It took a bit of work before everyone was ready. It was slow progress moving forward. Spears shot out between the spaces in shields forcing back any enemy that dared come within striking distance.

It seemed to be working at first. I glanced out of a gap to see the other squads doing the same. We were piercing through the enemy ranks.

"That's it." Malcolm said. "Once you're a good ways in their ranks expand."

"If we expand we're opening ourselves up to weakness." Jason said interjecting before I could reply.

"I know, but it's a shot we've gotta take. It's like a blood clot. Put pressure from the inside and push out." Malcolm argued.

"If we get cover fire it won't be an issue." Annabeth said furthering her brother's argument.

"What do you need?" Connor asked.

"We need a volley picking off the closest and immediate threat as soon as they're down everyone expand outward. Do it one squad at a time understood?" I asked.

"That works!" Malcolm said. "Connor go squad one."

"On it." Connor said.

"Everyone hold. When we get air assistance expand outwards as far and hard as you can. We need space to work with and right now we've got none!" I said. A cry of pain sounded to my left and I glanced over to see a spear stabbed into the ground through the heel of a soldier.

He'd left a gap open in the ranks. Hurriedly I picked up his shield and filled the space before anything could slip it's way in.

"Close. We need a tighter formation." I yelled.

"It's kind of difficult!" A girl growled kicking a dracnae in the chest and sending it backwards.

"I know. Just try." I replied feeling a large and heavy hit against the shield. Grunting I dug my heels into the ground trying to keep still. "Malcolm where are we on air assistance? We've got heavy pressure over here!"

"You're next just hang on." He said. A moment later and we would have collapsed inwards but the arrows slaughtered the imediate threat. As instructed with a collective grunt everyone pushed outwards mowing down anything nearby with sheer force and the trampling of feet. We'd opened up enough space to effectively move and it seemed to boost the morale a bit.

Out of my peripheral I saw Hermes bolting around and slamming his shoulder into anything ugly and moving like a line backer.

Turning back to the battle I narrowly dodged the tip of a sword aimed for my side. Bringing my blade down in a parry I slid it up against the hilt of the sword and with a flick of the wrist disarmed the enemy and stabbed them between the eyes.

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