The Irony of It All

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Reyna's POV

Dozens of people were rushing around in a chaotic and complicated frenzy. But somehow everyone remained calm. Annabeth and Malcom were trying to manage the chaos and looked like they were literally going to lose their minds but Athena seemed perfectly comfortable.

Three small kids maybe eight came running in and nearly knocked me over. It was a small little girl followed by two little boys.

"Mom! I got an idea!" She said tugging on Athena's hand. The goddess looked like an overworked parent. Her hair was tied back and she had about three pens sticking out of her mouth alternating between them as she altered her children's blueprints. Pen marks and high lighter marks covered her arms from kids running by with uncapped writing utensils but she seemed to mind none of it.

In an instant her attention was on the group of three in front of her.

"What have you got?" She asked kneeling down to their height. The little  girl grabbed the sheet of paper from the small boy to her left. He was the shortest of them. Small with skinny but muscular arms and calloused hands. His skin was a light caramel color but covered in soot. Easily a Hephaestus kid. The other boy was lanky and aloof looking but he had the facial features of his father, Hermes.

" This is what we came up with." The little girl smiled. Athena observed whatever was depicted on the white sheet and smiled slightly.

"You want Greek Fire flame throwers?" She asked raising an eyebrow and looking at the three. They all nodded excitedly. " You have taken into account the fact that greek fire isn't put out easily right? And that it spreads at an unnatural rate."

"Of course we know that." The Hephaestus kid smiled. "We can have them in the skies on Pegasi or something."

"Torch from above!" The Hermes boy cheered.

"How about we don't use flamethrowers but we can use hand charges." Athena suggested and though it seemed like a simple matter she was obviously calculating something in her head, she wore the same distant look Annabeth did when she was thinking.

"Like grenades?" The girl asked. Athena nodded and ruffled her hair.

"How big can we make the explosions?" The boys asked.

"As big as you can make them." With Athena's instructions the three ran off to complete their task. Annabeth gave her mother an incredulous look. I could only imagine what she was thinking but I didn't have to. Poseidon walked in giving everyone a thumbs up followed by Percy.

"Operation Roman Migration is a go," Poseidon smiled.

"What kind of mission name is that?" Thalia asked. Percy stuck his tongue out at her.

"A good one," He said.

"Percy your dad and Hermes have turned my mother into an adrenaline junky rebel." Annabeth grumbled.

"You did what now to my sister?" Artemis asked walking into the tent. Athena was missing the conversation due to the fact that she'd already refocused onto something else.

"Nothing. No need to be so protective." Poseidon held his hands up in surrender.

"Pardon the interruption I was told we had to come here for something important." I said awkwardly interjecting into the conversation.

"Right. About that." Annebth said and glanced around the room waving Frank over. "We had the lay out for squad divisions."

"Squad divisions oh I'm curious show me." Thalia said running over and glancing at a somewhat hastily drawn but rather skilled looking layout of camp.

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