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Reyna's POV

I had another restless night of sleep. My thoughts had been swarming with ideas as to what could've happened to my sister. I was scared for her but there was something else bugging me. Deep down I was scared for Thalia too. If Lycaon and his boss had gotten the Hunters and my Sister how would she make it through on her own? I slipped out of bed when it was still relatively dark and got dressed Aurum and Argentum were out cold still exhausted from Thalia's run. I rubbed my tired eyes when a voice startled me.

"Reyna?" I looked to my left where an Iris Message had popped up. It was Jason. I tried my best to smile but just like his sister he had immediately picked up on my mood. "Are you okay?"

"Just stressed," I replied telling a half truth. At this point in my life, I had gotten too good at telling half truths. Jason frowned but moved on in the conversation.

"Hazel told me Thalia's leaving today," I nodded in agreement. "Look I know it's a lot to ask of you, and you have every right to refuse, but would you look after her? She tends to get in trouble. I just don't think it's safe for her, I mean Lycaon got all of the Hunters, how is she gonna stand up against that?"

I could see the worried expression on Jason's face and new it reflected mine and the feelings I felt about Hylla. "Jason, she doesn't even know what she's up against. I don't either. I mean...I just don't want to start another war."

He nodded solemnly. "I know. Just make sure she has everything she needs."

He sounded sad like I was sending his sister to the grave. When I realized just like Hylla ,Thalia was the only piece of home Jason had left. Real home. My gut twisted with guilt. "I'm not going to lie to you Jason but I'm... I'm not sure about this. About this quest. We're going off of nothing."

"I understand. Look don't worry about it, it's not your fault." He reassured me trying for a smile. Reyna come on, you know exactly how he feels. You'd do the same thing if you were in his shoes. Hylla. Maybe you can find Hylla. If she is in danger you can find her. But what about a war? Not everything ends in a war. No, but wars always start small. All wars start with a fight.

"Jason..." He studied my face intensely as I struggled to push out my words. "I'll go with her. I'll keep her safe...I promise. Just know that you owe me."

A smile stretched across his face so big for a moment it felt like there wasn't a dark cloud looming over my head. Then his expression shifted to one of such pure sincerity it looked like he was going to cry. "Thank you Reyna. If you need me you know what to do. You don't have to do this by yourselves."

"I know." With that Jason dissapeared and I was left with a hole in my chest. What had I just done? A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and a familiar face appeared. It was Thalia her slight smile melted.

"Reyna, if you're thinking about Hylla..." Thalia started. I shifted my expression quickly swallowing the lump in my throat.

"No. I've made the stupid... stupid decision to come with you." Thalia's jaw dropped and she blinked completely stunned.

"I thought you didn't want to come? To be honest I figured you didn't like me that much, I'm kind of annoying." Thalia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not really coming for your sake. I'm coming because of my sister and because your friends need help. You can handle it on your own. I'm just tagging along." I was lying out of my teeth. Thalia didn't notice. She simply pushed open the door further an amused expression on her face.
In her hands she held two backpacks.

"I won't lie, I figured you might tag along. I packed everything. We're ready to go whenever." She was impossibly smug. Sighing I  got to my feet.

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