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Reyna's POV

The air was cool in the morning and I had stopped shivering at some point in the night. I wasn't sure why until I woke up early the next morning. Needless to say it was a little surprising to find Thalia and I tangled together but I didn't move. According to Jason some days she was a morning person, other days not so much and you never knew what you were going to get.

I had an arm slung across her side and one of my legs was awkwardly positioned between hers. But most embarrassing of all was that Thalia's face was pressed against my chest while my other arm rested beneath her head. My heart was the only thing I could hear and I waited anxiously praying she would wake up. When she didn't I took matters into my own hands.

"Thalia wake up!" She sat bolt up right looking around alert and ready.

"What?" She asked. I fought the urge to laugh and instead thanked the gods that my arm was free and no longer fuzzy feeling.

"Nothing," I said smugly sitting up and stretching.

"Well thanks," She grumbled. "I could have slept. I was rather comfortable."

"Yeah well we have to get a move on. We have to get to that base." I was already grabbing our bags.

"Whatever you say." Thalia rolled her eyes and stood up. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" I asked with a frown.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked with a smug expression.

"On second thought never mind." With a small shiver I turned my back and set to work on rolling up the sleeping bag. A few moments later I was outside waiting for Thalia to return. At last she jogged into view.

"Alright let's do this." She said already in better spirits. I figured it had to do with the possibility of seeing her friends. In all honesty I was excited too. Maybe some of Hylla's friends were there as well.

"I glanced at the map once again. We have to head east," Thalia smiled, pointing off into the distance. "So that way."

"How did you know?"

"Open skies," She shrugged. "Makes it easier to feel directions."

"Feel directions?" I laughed.

"It's no different than Percy knowing stuff about the Ocean." She explained taking her bag from me.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude." I replied as Thalia shrunk the tent back down into a thin silver square and stuffed it into her pocket.

"I know. Now follow me." She said and started to walk with a bounce to her step. With a sigh I followed. She lead on connecting us back to the main road. Cars drove by at quick speeds blowing up trash and dirt. At one point a rock flew up from a tire and I watched Thalia yelp and hold her face in her hands.

"Fuck!" She cursed.

"You good?" I asked resting a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and I noticed a cut on her eyebrow causing blood to run down her face. "I take that as a no."

"You think?" She asked sarcastically. "Let's get away from the road these people don't know how to drive."

"They're staying in their lanes," I noted, before realizing that probably wasn't too helpful.

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