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Reyna's POV

I remained alone for the rest of the day not bothering to go to dinner with the others. There was no point in it. I'd be asked questions and I didn't feel like answering them. So instead I stayed with the Hunters in their cabin along with my sister and the amazons. The room was full with a somber air.

Already two of the hunters had started working on shrouds for the fallen. It was tough to see how such a beautiful thing would have to be burned. Hylla had refused to make any of her own, they did things differently with the amazons. But the two shrouds that had been finished lay untouched and secluded as if even making eye contact with them would desecrate their beauty and meaning.

However, I examined them from afar. They were made of a soft silvery silk. The border was a dark black with constellations embroiled in the fabric. In the center was an image relating to the  fallen warrior entangled with an arrow. Above it was an inscription in Ancient Greek that I struggled to read.

"What does it say?" I asked after pondering it for a moment. Zuri shifted and sat next to me on the bunk I rested on.

"Blessed by the moon," Zuri smiled lightly. Beneath it was another inscription the handwriting neat and delicate. "Guardian of stars."

"Poetic." She nodded at my remark. I glanced about the room. Everyone had skipped dinner to bitter to show their faces and try to act happy. Hylla had been the only one to leave, but she'd done so to beat Jason up as she had said, after I explained what had made me so upset.

I wondered if she'd actually done it and part of me thought he deserved it. Nico had talked to me for a while and said that Jason didn't mean anything. I wondered how he'd understand what Jason truly meant before I realized he'd dealt with the same loss.

"I was the same way with Bianca," Nico explained. "He'll get over it."

"Yeah maybe." I'd  mumbled but I didn't believe it. Their was only so much a relationship could take before breaking and it was already fragile to begin with. Then again, maybe Nico was right. Who knew?

But no matter how hard we all tried to hide we couldn't avoid facing the crowd forever. An entire camp meeting had been called at the amphitheater and I was the lucky one who was going to lead it.

Everyone filed out quietly with no sound as if we were heading to a funeral procession which in a way we were. Hylla caught my arm at the door halting me. She rested her hands on my shoulders.

"Are you going to be okay to do this?" She asked quietly.

"I don't have much of a choice do I?" I asked.

"I know, but I'll be there if you need me." Hylla smiled and I was a bit surprised when she kissed my cheek and walked off. It was a small gesture but enough to draw my confidence up.

I was the last to leave and as I walked I thought about how to compose myself. Shoulders back. Check. Straight posture. Check. Confident attitude. Check. Raised chin. Check. And last of all a blank face. It was the easiest of all to do.

A fire burned bright against the black back drop of night. Dozens of faces looked at me expectantly. Eyes of all different colors watched me closely. Some were scared, some curious, and some hopeful. Shaking my head I glanced at the shrouds. Only two had been made so far but there would need to be more.

Chiron stood next to me and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Ready?"

"No. But I'll act like it." He nodded curtly and quieted the few individuals talking.

"Please be respectful." His voice was loud and authoritative. "We have important news."

"We already know who died." A kid called out earning a few glares. I couldn't help but clench my fists. I wanted to punch him.

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