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Thalia's POV

I woke in a cold sweat for the third night in a row. My body ached and shook in fear. I was exhausted but no matter how hard I tired to sleep I simply couldn't. Jason was across the way sound asleep in his bunk. Piper lay curled up in his arms, something Jason said they'd taken to since after the war. Percy and Annabeth did the same. Chiron didn't care much anymore. He'd slacked on some of the camp rules for them.

Instantly, I wished that someone would do the same for me. Keep me tucked away so the nightmares wouldn't come but that wasn't meant to happen. Not for me. With a sigh I stood dressing myself quietly and sneaking outside. No one was supposed to be up this early but no one attempted to bother me even if they were.

For three days ever since I'd come back to camp it was as if an invisible barrier had been placed around me. No one spoke to me. They averted their eyes as soon as they made eye contact and whispers were soon to follow.

Of course it hurt but I was used to that kind of treatment. Sighing, I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, aware of the air growing chilly. Up ahead the lights of the Big House flickered never seeming to go out. In a way, they were a promise on cold nights that if need be safety and warmth awaited.

My legs carried me to the porch where I'd sat and talked with Chiron, Annabeth, Percy, and the others numerous times. The boards creaked lightly beneath my feet, a quiet cry in the dark. My breath puffed out in a cloud in front of me and with a sigh I leaned on the railing.

I jumped when there was a creak of the door behind me. Spinning quickly with my fists raised on instinct I saw two familiar faces. One was Chiron, the other was Reyna.

"Out here again?" Chiron asked gently, his eyes softening.

"Yeah," I nodded averting my gaze. "Couldn't sleep."

"Three nights in a row Thalia," He sighed, a sadness to his tone. "I really think you should talk to Clovis."

"I'm alright Chiron," I replied quietly and he let the subject drop as he had the past two nights.

"Thank you for talking with me Ms.Arellano." Chiron said as Reyna stepped out onto the porch. I couldn't help but tense at the proximity between us.

"Anytime." She bowed slightly to Chiron as a form of respect before he eased the door shut. I waited anxiously for her to leave but she remained, moving to lean on the railing next to me. "Can't sleep huh? Want to talk about it?"

"No. I was just thinking," I lied staring out into the dark.

"Three days and you haven't said a word to me and then you lie," Reyna sighed, and I could feel her dark gaze settle on me.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked turning to face her. It was a mistake, because I instantly wanted to shrink back and turn away. A look of hurt flashed across her face.

"What did I do to you?" She asked with such an intense curiosity I was forced to peel my eyes away.

"You didn't do anything." I said playing with the sleeve of my silver jacket. Artemis had been kind enough to give me one when I returned to camp.

"What did he do to you?" She asked hesitantly. "Cupid."

"You wouldn't think of me the same. You'd think I was weak," I laughed bitterly. I hated him with such a burning passion it physically hurt.

"Try me." She said and the challenge was clear in her voice.

"His arrow... it wasn't normal," I explained, trying to find my words. "It was one of those stupid love arrows of his."

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