The Game

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Reyna's POV

I'd received a few odd glances from Piper and Jason but then again I figured they weren't expecting me to barge into their cabin. It didn't matter too much though because I dozed on and off in the Athena cabin.

I woke up to a soft knock on the door and Annabeth peering into the cabin. "Wake up princess!"

"Ugh. No," I groaned, but sat up anyways. "Also I'm not a princess. I'm a queen."

"Yeah yeah whatever, come on it's dinner time and I figured you don't want to miss capture the flag," Annabeth laughed lightly.

"Oh yeah. They better pray we aren't on the same team," I smiled and Annabeth stifled a maniacal laugh because if that happened everyone else was dead.

Spending a brief amount of time to at least try and make myself look presentable I inevitably gave up and left the cabin behind. It felt like it should have been morning according to my internal clock but the moon was watching us.

Upon entering the dining pavilion I noticed just how packed it was with campers. Still, there were some missing faces, Hazel and Frank had gone back to New Rome, Sila and Fawn stayed at camp for a bit before leaving with Grover to monitor the outside world for trouble. Apparently some satyrs were starting to notice new bases popping up. Which only made me curious as to why the enemy wanted the Hunters and Amazons so bad. Not to mention Thalia.

"Yo Sis over here!" Hylla smiled and waved. We hadn't really caught up much the past few days so it was kind nice to sit down at the head table with her. Of course, being at the front of the pavilion gave me a different perspective. I could watch as people talked and laughed with one another. Or shared strange stories together.

Then there was Percy and Annabeth who sat at the Poseidon table talking with Tyson who must have arrived sometime while I was asleep. There was Leo at the Hepheastus table laughing his head off along with Calypso. Nico sat at the Apollo table with Will the two of them most likely bickering like an old married couple. Lastly there was Jason, Piper, and Thalia.

Thalia seemed to be in much better spirits than even the first time I met her. She and Piper seemed to be giving Jason hell about something.

"You seem happier," Hylla noted leaning in to talk to me.

"I sorted through some things," I replied smiling at her. She laughed and ruffled my hair like when we were kids. "You know I hate when you do that."

"Which is exactly why I do it," Hylla winked turning back to her plate. Rolling my eyes I finished my dinner and watched as Chiron stood.

"Alright you all know what time it is," He called having given up on formal speeches a long time ago. The campers roared and cheered as Chiron drew their attention. The old centaur listed off teams and sure enough Annabeth and I were on the same side, but Percy and Thalia were on the opposite side. Piper was laughing hysterically along with Jason.

"No!" Thalia groaned meanwhile Percy just sarcastically waved. They all knew what happened the last time they were on the same team.

"Your winning streak is going out the window." Jason laughed high fiving Piper. They were with Annabeth and I.

Chiron waved his hand and the tables became cluttered with weapons and armor. Everyone hastily got ready and those who struggled to put armor on luckily had friends who could help. I met up with Annabeth discussing a strategy with her. Once the plan was decided everyone headed to their positions.

It was decided that Annabeth, Piper, and I would lead the main attacking force. Jason was in charge of organizing defense. Once our battle plans were officially settled, we all waited patiently in the woods for Chiron's signal to start the game. At last it came and it wasn't long before the opposing teams clashed.

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