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Thalia's POV

The five of us stood armed on the outskirts of the city. We'd devised the perfect plan. All that mattered now was putting it into action.

"Alright it's time," Hylla said looking at Reyna and I. "You know what to do."

"Yeah," Reyna nodded but she was twisting her ring on her finger. She was nervous and I figured she didn't like the idea of separating from her sister.

"I'll keep an eye on her," I promised, tapping my bracelet and causing my shield to expand.

"I believe she keeps more of an eye on you," Hylla replied sarcastically. "Now go...and stay safe."

I nodded and together Reyna and I crossed the busy street together. I twirled my spear anxiously in hand as we walked into the city. The building remained in rubble from the day before and I could see a trail of blood from Reyna's leg wound.

"How long will it take for them to find us?" I wondered aloud glancing about as groups of people flocked together and walked by.

"No idea but I'd say pretty soon," Reyna guessed, her eyes hard and ready.

I nodded as we walked weaving in and out of the crowd. After being in New York you learned how to navigate busy walk ways. Contrarily, Reyna had a harder time with this. She was more polite than I was as I shoved my way through. The last thing we needed was to be separated by a group of mortals.

"Come on. Keep up. Stay close," I said grabbing Reyna's hand and tugging her along. She nodded following me closely until we got to a less busy part of the city. Once free from the mob of people I scanned the area. "Two O'clock."

Reyna glanced subtly in the direction I'd said. Sure enough there was a dog except it's form flickered ever so slightly revealing a wolf. They were scanning the terrain. It wouldn't be long until they picked up our scent.

"Alright, time to play the part," Reyna sighed as the wolf sniffed the air cocking its head in our direction and growling. Throwing its head back it howled a long piercing cry.

"Is it too late to back out of this?" I asked spinning and searching for the other wolves. They stalked through the crowd, heads lowered, eyes glaring, salivating at the thought of a fight.

"Way too late," Reyna snorted as she stepped back so our backs touched.

"I wish I had my bow," I grumbled. It'd be easy to pick them off in the crowds. Instead we were stuck with close quarters combat. There were six in total three in front of me, three in front of Reyna. "Let's play."

"Agreed." Reyna nodded making the first move and thrusting her spear at the nearest wolf. It was a lazy strike, purposefully lazy, allowing the wolf to dodge and snap at her arm leaving a nasty bite wound. Reyna grit her teeth and mumbled under her breath. "It's for the plan."

"Fine but don't take it too far," I warned, kicking at the muzzle of a wolf. It whimpered retreating a few steps as it's friend lunged tackling me to the ground. It's jaws snapped latching into my shoulder and shaking me like a rag doll. Grabbing it by the throat I growled sending electricity through its system. It smoked and fell over sideways.

It was quickly replaced by another one of its brethren. I brought my shield up trying to keep it at bay it's claws racked against my side and for the sake of our damn plan I let it. At last, Reyna and I were injured enough to pass off our idea.

"Time to play dead," I whispered to her as I batted aside another wolf. Reyna nodded and we both let our guards down. The wolves noticed and lunged. I was knocked to the ground yet again but I didn't attempt to get up. Instead I curled up in a ball and went limp. Feeling the hesitation of the wolves I nearly smiled. The plan that was so dumb it shouldn't have worked was actually working. There was a high pitched howl and the teeth of a wolf clamped onto my foot. The same happened to my other foot and soon I was being dragged.

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