Maps, Midnight Dancing, and Sleeping Bags

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Thalia's POV

It felt like forever before we landed. I remembered the terrain, the scars that covered the clearing from my battle outside of the compound. Some monster dust still lingered about if I looked close enough.

"Damn. You did all this?" Reyna asked wide eyed as she surveyed the landscape.

"Um yeah. It's kind of a blur to be honest. I just got pissed that's all," I shrugged.

"Remind me to not get on your bad side anymore," She laughed, walking around a crater in the ground, a rock tumbling down the side and into the divet.

"What did you expect? I was worried about you guys," I admitted. Could she blame me? The last thing I'd seen were my friends unconscious and wounded. "The last thing I remember was you bleeding out and some weird cloaked people taking Becca, Zuri, and Sam."

"Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry your Hunters weren't there with us," Reyna sighed as we neared the entrance of the now abandoned structure.

"It's fine. I'm sure we'll find them...eventually." I mumbled the last bit not wanting her to be subject to my pessimism. I just couldn't help but struggle with the fact that it seemed we weren't trying enough, and yet I knew we had to take it slow. We couldn't afford to rush into anymore situations unprepared.

Reyna paused in front of the entrance and I knew she was waiting for me to lead. After all, I was the only one of us who'd been conscious during their time here. With a deep breath I walked into the dark compound as I had before but without the possibility of a threat. I could feel Reyna following close behind me her breath warm on the back of my neck.

After a moment of walking endlessly in the dark I sighed and realized there was an easy fix to the problem. I concentrated and caused sparks to dance on my finger tips. It illuminated the dark just enough to see.

"This way," I recognized the hallways Fawn had lead me through. It wasn't long before we arrived on the back platform overlooking the room. The stage was there and the posts were still in place. Even with the small light I could provide it was easy to see the black scorched marks of the room. The walls were covered in residue and there was a crater in the floor.

"You did this?" Reyna asked again, looking around in awe.

"Yep," I nodded. "Why is it a surprise? Yousaw what the outside looked like."

Reyna laughed and for a moment I thought she may have been uncomfortable but she quickly composed herself.  "It's- I don't think I've even seen Jason do this kind of stuff."

"Well Jason knows how to keep his cool." I said remembering the amount of anger I'd felt before causing this much damage. "Anyways we should look around."

Reyna nodded in agreement and we both hopped down. I went to the left and she went to the right both of us agreeing that if we found anything we'd yell. I walked down a long hallway numerous doors on each side. It was eerie and quiet. My nerves danced on edge as I opened the first door. It squeaked violently and I glanced inside. There was nothing. I moved from one to another and so forth.

Each room was empty. The halls were quiet and the building was effectively abandoned. I turned at the end of the walkway to head back the way I had come when something caught my eye. It was in one of the cells towards the back. It was small and glinted from the sparks dancing from my fingers.

I didn't bother to look at it much, there would be time for that later. So I tucked it away in my pocket and moved on. Halfway back from the way I had come I heard Reyna shout my name. I jogged through the corridors following her voice until I found her. She was in a small room with a few chairs. There was a wooden table in the center, and the walls were decorated with blank bulletin boards.

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