The End

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Thalia's POV

Reyna was no where to be found. I wasn't sure if maybe she'd already gone back to New Rome without saying good bye first but I figured she wasn't the type of person to do something like that.

I'd found out that after dinner tonight I'd be leaving with the others again. I'd already told everyone but her. Then again I was able to find everyone but her. Part of me was tired of this cat and mouse game we'd had going on. Part of me said fuck it, let her go, but the other part of me was clinging to the hope she'd come back from wherever she was.

So I decided to busy myself with something. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I found myself in the forges. I'd been here numerous times before, mainly to craft arrows which I was sick and tired of doing after having to make dozens of them for the war.

However I had to give the Hephaestus kids some credit. There was something calming about being in the forges. The warmth was somewhat comforting and the sound of hammers and sizzling of metal and grease was something therapeutic.

I guess that was probably why Hephaestus always spent his time in the forges rather than Olympus. Must have been more tolerable talking to the things you make rather than your own chaotic family.

Yet I wasn't the only one in the forges. Through the heat that clouded the room with waves of exothermic energy I could see Malcolm and Nyssa talking away.

"Yeah my cabin and I are starting to repair the throne room. We're running the designs by my mom." Malcolm said with a shrug. "But we need someone to help re make the thrones and I figured you and Leo were probably be the best option for that."

"Thanks! Yeah it'd be cool to do." Nyssa nodded pulling her hair back in a bandana as always. "Also there's something I wanted to ask you in return."

"Well I'm listening so shoot," Malcolm shrugged.

"Wanna go out sometime? Like on a date?" Nyssa asked casually. I tried not to laugh at the dumbfounded look that flashed across Malcolm's face.

"Uh huh, I mean yeah, yeah totally!" Malcolm nodded. Nyssa smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"Cool now get out I have work to do." She ordered.

"Right." Malcolm nodded and ran off smiling like an idiot.

"So that's how you get a date." I joked. Nyssa looked up in surprise then smiled.

"I've wanted to ask him for a while but he gets so stressed sometimes it's like he literally doesn't hear anything." Nyssa sighed.

"Tell me about it. Annabeth gets like that too. One time I told her that Percy was on fire and she just nodded." Nyssa laughed along with me at that.

"So what are you here for? Making more arrows?" She teased.

"Oh Gods no." I shook my head. "Nah I'm bored and I had an idea is all."

"Well don't let me stop you from doing whatever it is you want." Nyssa said. "Besides I have my own work to do."

"Right. Well I'll just scram." I said walking off to the farthest work station away from hers not wanting to distract her.

After a moment of thought I set to work. I found the right metal which was an interesting type of bronze. It wasn't exactly pure, it was swirled together with iron, making a collage of different colors.

Heating it wasn't hard I'd worked with bronze plenty of times before. Selecting the mold for the weapon and casting it wasn't difficult either. It was almost like I'd been working in the forge my entire life.

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