Saving Grace

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Thalia's POV

"Sila!" Fawn yelled sitting bolt upright. Her scream startled me from my sleep and I was on my feet in an instant, shield in hand. Fawn whimpered and I soon realized the threat was absent. Flicking on the light I studied her. She looked completely distraught, hair a mess, knitted brow, and worried eyes.

"What is it?" I asked gently. Fawn glanced down her eyes welling with tears.

"I knew he shouldn't have gone," She mumbled, her small frame shaking with fear.

"Fawn. Talk to me." My shield retreated and I sat on the cot next to her. She shook her head wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"He's in trouble. They all are. Your friends and Sila. I had a nightmare. He tried to get them back for you but it didn't work," Fawn croaked, gripping the front of my shirt in her hands. My heart seemed to stop along with my breath.

"How much time do we have?" I asked. Fawn stood and I noticed that her hands were shaking but she seemed to be slightly better than before.

"We need to leave now," She stated, a new type of determination in her voice. Her eyes hardend into a fierce gaze. "Follow me."

She lead me down a corridor that connected to a twisting staircase of root steps neatly woven together. Her feet padded lightly on the ground as she paused in front of a door. With a grunt she moved the massive bolt that locked it and pushed the large oak door open. Inside was a room filled to the brim with weapons and armor. They glinted dangerously in the light.

"This is amazing," I smirked.

"Gawk later. We need everything we can carry. Sila said it would be a tough fight. I trust him," Fawn instructed.

"You plan on coming?" I asked a little surprised.

"I've been afraid for too long. I know I don't know how to fight very well but Sila is in trouble. He needs me," Fawn stated, gripping the hilt of a sword. She swung it around easily the motions seeming to come naturally. "I plan on getting him back."

"Good. I'm lucky to have you as my back up," I smiled despite the grim feeling gripping me. I strapped a belt of throwing knives around my waist, sheathed a sword on my back, and slipped a knife into a sheath on my thigh. Fawn gripped a string of knives as well, fastening a backpack filled to the brim with objects I didn't know the purpose of. "Where's the base?"

"I don't know. But Blitz can help." Fawn pushed past me stepping outside through another hidden door. We were down by the lake side this time and a breeze caused waves to lap against the shore. Fawn whistled a series of notes and a few moments of silence passed. There was the sound of galloping before a pure white stallion charged on the shore. It's hooves pounded the ground flinging sand into the air, the breeze whipping it's main about. The horse skidded to a halt in front of us it's intelligent eyes seeming to know what was needed. He knelt, allowing Fawn to climb on his back. I was about to do the same when the flapping of wings sounded behind me. I turned to see Blackjack standing tall and proud.

"Blackjack? I thought you left." He whinnied seeming to roll his eyes but he nuzzled my shoulder. "Did Percy send you back?"

Blackjack bobbed his head up and down eagerly. I smiled feeling a particular fondness for Blackjack I hadn't before. He really was a good companion. I slipped onto his back with ease as Blitz trotted in place him and Blackjack snorting, clicking, and neighing back and forth. "Alright Blitz you know what to do. Find Sila."

Blitz reared back before shooting off down the beach. Blackjack took off after him tucking his wings in to lessen the drag. I silently thanked him for not flying.

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