Allie's Back

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I paced around the room while Allie laid there, "So you're telling me that I was shot?"

"Well yeah. We went to the park and someone must've picked you to take their anger out or something. But you're fine now"

"We went to a... Park?"

I froze. "You... Don't remember it?"

She looked over at me. "No... Did something happen that I should be remembering?"

"No. Nothing" I say quickly. She looks at me suspiciously but then shakes it off and looks around the room. I turn my head and look out the window. Yes, I was in fact hurt that she didn't remember it.

"And my sisters are... Where exactly? Cause I mean it's nice that you're here and all but the fact that my own sisters don't bother to show up kind of...hurts, you know?"

I spun around when she said that, "Wait. You say it... hurts?"

"Well yeah. I mean if you got shot in the abdomen and your brothers didn't bother to show up, you'd be hurt too"

"I thought you didn't care" I say. She looks at me confused for a minute but then smiles.

"Hey look! I've regained my ability to care! This is fucking awesome" she bursts. I laugh a little at her remark. She looks around and smiles but then it fades. "Nevermind I don't like this feelings thing take it away"

I ignored that last comment, "So this means that you care about the whole me and Sophie kissing and stuff. Cause you know that it didn't mean anything to me... Right?"

She paused for a minute, "Not really"

"What? You're confusing me"

"Now that I think about it....I'm not really effected about anything that's happened these past months"

I sputtered, "W-What?? Do you not remember anything?"

"Well of course I remember everything. I remember every single detail of every single event. But I don't really... Care about it per say. Like all those silly feelings... They don't... effect me at all"

"Good to know" I mumbled. I turned back to the window and put my hands on the sill. I cursed under my breathe. The date... That first kiss we shared in the car... It meant nothing to her. I refrained from crying, I was stronger then that. But deep down. I was definitely not okay.

"So back to the original question. Why the actual hell aren't my sisters here? I mean yeah they probably hate me for something but c'mon! The least they could do was show up!"

"Lucy did show up. You were unconscious. She had to go somewhere though. I volunteered to stay back" I didn't want to tell her about Sophie, but I knew I would eventually have to.

"Why? What more important then me almost dying?"

"Sophie. She's been taken- kidnapp-"

"Oh my god!" Allie yells, covering her mouth, "Who took her!"

"We... Don't know yet. Lucy and the majority of the guys are out on a search party, we'll have her back by the end of the week. Promise"

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