Banter at the grocery store (Shouldn't we be looking for Sophie?)

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"So have you and Chris done it yet?" I ask out of random. Me, Lucy and Simon went on a run to pick up some food for the night and possibly for tomorrow. Yeah, we should probably be going to look for Sophie... But we didn't even know if she was on this continent anymore. Plus we needed to eat. I decided, well, it would be fun to bug Lucy cause that's what little sisters are for.

"What? No... We haven't actually"

I scoffed, "Laaaaaame"

"Says the person who hasn't even gotten a boyfriend"

"This was a mission to find mom. Not a fuck buddy" I state, rolling my eyes. Wait, shit we forgot about mom. She... Sophie was more important at the moment. We'd find mom later. Maybe she was back in America.

"Says the one who has hooked up with several guys in the past month" Lucy says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go get... Lettuce... I'll be back in a minute" Simon says, walking off. Of course.

"We don't talk about those hookups... I wasn't in a good state. But what we can talk about is you and Chris, so are you going to fuck yet?"

"No! Maybe! Probably! I- I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know. You guys have this spark! Like I can look at you and see that you guys have something there. It's actually a little sickening, but you guys are totally in love"

"How would you know when you don't even have a relationship of your own"

I paused. That was true. Simon and I did have something, but it... Wasn't a relationship, or a steady one at least. Lucy looked at me with confusion and I guess I gave something away cause she laughed.

"You do have something going on in your life don't you. Who's the lucky guy?"

"No one" I shoot back quickly and extremely suspiciously. I wanted to smack my head but that would only make me look like more of a fool. "Uh. There's no one..."

"Who is it" Lucy asks, throwing a box of rice crackers in the cart. I take the crackers out of the cart and put it back on the shelf. We did not need those sandpaper crap excuse for crackers.

"No one" I say again. She just rolls her eyes and throws two boxes of the same brand of crackers in the chart, hissing at me when I went to grab them.

"I'm going to have to guess. Is it Gabriel?"

"Yeah because I'm dating a gay archangel" I say, sarcastically. I grab a box of Oreos and throw them in the cart. Cause Oreos are fucking delicious.

"Oh so then it's Simon" Lucy says. I look away and Lucy laughs. "I fucking knew something was going on between you two. How long have you guys been dating! Have you guys fucked yet?"

"It's... Complicated... And No! Just... Kissed a bit" I say. "But that's it... Haven't really had time for a relationship and all"

"Allie! This is fucking amazing! I mean you two could make excellent children together think about the genetics! I'm-"

"Lucy that is quite enough" I say, putting a hand up. "Listen. Speak a word to anyone and I will find you and kill you"

"Fine" she grumbles. "Is he a good kisser?"

"Well yeah... Can we not talk about this anymore? He is literally going to come here and kill me if he finds us talking about this" I whisper harshly. Lucy just smirks.

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