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"Here you go, full soul intact. Why would you need this?" I ask, handing the jar over to the angel in front of me.

"Anael, my dear. The soul of a vengeful spirit is very, very powerful" Mitchell says, taking the jar away. "In fact, when you say the right words, it can turn any angel into dust. I believe it will come in handy some time"

I smiled, "You know, that little group of  hunters is sure breaking apart with the loss of Harold. You planned this, didn't you"

"Why yes. I did. This way it'll be easier to get the three sisters on their own and we already have one in our hold"

"Alexsandra is awake and fighting. I can't keep finding loopholes, she'll eventually expel me. I don't know why we aren't killing her now. We don't need her anymore"

"I believe there is still use for her. In the meantime, feel free to play with her mind a bit... Break her" Mitchell orders, he then disappears and I'm stuck on my own. This happens a lot. I smile, thinking back to what he just said. This could be good.


I woke up in a white room. My mind racing from the wicked dream I just had. I looked around. Was I... Was I in a hospital? I don't remember anything terrifying happening?

Where was everyone?

"Alexsandra Harrison" I turned towards a voice. A woman stood there in a long white dress, her hair braided and out of her face. Her facial features were all to familiar, but didn't show any emotion. I gaped at the sight.

That... Was me.

"What the fuck" I mutter. I shake my head a bit, okay what kind of drugs was this hospital feeding me.

"I believe it is time we were formally introduced. My name is Anael. I'm an angel"

"Nice to meet you. Where the hell am I" I say, sitting upright on then bed. I was wearing white clothes as well. A simple shirt and pants, no shoes. I ignored the part about her saying she was an angel. Maybe I was in a mental hospital of some sort and she was crazy. Why the fuck would anyone put me in here though.

The girl smiles, a haunting smile, and tilts her head to the side, "Hell"

I raise my eyebrow, okay. What the hell kind of thing was I on. "What now"

"Oh, I don't believe you remember" the girl says. "You murdered two civilians and an angel just a while ago, earning death yourself at the hands of Simon Minter if I recall. Now you've been damned to an eternity in hell"

"Listen, you seem nice and all. But if you could just get me a nurse-"

I was cut off by the surroundings changing. I looked around. I was in the sidemen house, the entrance to the kitchen. I watched as Harry worked around, an angel blade on the counter.

"That right there belonged to the archangel Gabriel"

"Why does Harry-"

"He found it in the hall laying next to Gabriel's dead body. No one knows what came over you, but you killed him"

I looked over at the girl. I... I killed Gabriel. Just like in my dream... Except this was real and I did it. What the actual hell. I didn't know if I wanted to cry, scream or punch myself. This was all... I didn't know how to describe it.

The girl looked at me with sympathy and I just nodded, "So why are we-"

A girl walked into the room... Me. I held an angel blade. I watched as I just stabbed Harry for no good reason, watching and laughing as he fell to the ground. Two others ran in, Josh and Simon. I turned towards them.

Josh went to Harry while Simon went to me. This was the only thing that wasn't like my dream- or memory or whatever.

Simon looked at me and I could see he was talking but I couldn't hear what he said. Then all in one quick movement, he took the blade that was in my hand and stabbed it through my chest.

I didn't shout of do anything for that matter. I was too confused. I turned back to the angel.

"You must've went crazy. Maybe the pressure from everything just got to you" she says.

I look down, "So I killed Harry and Gabriel"

"And Callum McGinley if I am correct"

I frown, the guilt coming to me. I went psycho and three people had to pay for it. I... Definitely deserved to be here, in Hell. That was for sure.

I also deserved that blade through my heart, though I don't know why I didn't remember it that way. I remembered fading into thin air and then darkness. I looked back at the angel or whatever.

Who, still looked identical to me. This was all just too weird.

My mind went back to a few days earlier. How I remembered not being in control of my own movements and stuff, how I was talking to this man. This all... This wasn't right.

"You said your name was..."


"Yes. Whatever. So now I'm stuck in Hell..."

The angel pauses, "That is correct"

"And my hell is..."

The angel stops talking and looks around, as if thinking hard before saying, "This"

And then she disappeared and so did the surroundings. Now I was stuck in a white room, a figure on the other side. I could tell that face from anywhere.


The figure turned around, anger clear on his face. "Allie"

"Listen, I'm so sorry!" My best bet was to apologize. Cause it seemed right. The face softened before coming closer.

"Allie. Listen, I have something to tell you and you have to listen. You are not you. This is all just a trick. At the moment, you are trapped inside your head, Anael is using you as a vessel and you need to break free from it" this all came out of nowhere. "At the moment my soul is trapped inside a glass jar. The one thing they all forgot is that I can still hear and see my surroundings. I heard it all and you need to snap out of it"

I looked over at him, trying to find something to say. But before I could, he was gone and I was in a room. A glass jar in my hand. I tried to look around but I could. I watched as I placed the jar on the shelf and muttered some things but I couldn't hear what they said.

My mind raced. Guilt crowding my main thoughts. I killed three people. Harry said something confusing.

But then it all made sense. I wasn't in control, I kept blacking out, there were random thoughts I could hear sometimes and then the meeting with the guy.

I was possessed, somehow, by an angel.


I cursed to myself. This didn't go as planned. Harold knew everything and now Allie knew as well. Oh Mitchell was not going to like this.

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