Awkward Yet Surprising Encounters

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I left my room and closed the door. So, it looks like Lucy and I are on good terms, and I think me and Allie are. I don't know, the whole apology thing sounded so fake. The only thing that Lucy doesn't know is that me and Simon made up and, I don't think she'll be the happiest. Another thing that happened was that I accidentally admitted I like Vikk. Oops.

I bumped into Vikk in the hallway, "Oh, umm, hey Vikk" Please don't hate me, please don't hate me

"Hey Sophie" Yes! He talked to me. "What're you and Lucy talking about in there? I heard my name from the room" he asked

Oh no. "How could you hear us?" I asked trying to change the topic

"You guys weren't as quiet as you thought. And Allie left the door open when you two were talking"

"Well, u-uh we said your name," Do I tell him the truth and hope for the best, or do I lie? Fuck it, I'll tell him the truth. "Well Vikk, I-"

"Hey guys, umm, can I borrow Sophie for a moment? I need her help with something" we turned to see Simon. I feel like I should be happy but, at the same I shouldn't but, hey, at least he got me out of the conversation.

"Oh sure. What do you need help with?" I asked. I looked over at Vikk who, had a bit of hurt in his eyes.

"Cleaning out my room a bit, and there are quite a few boxes that need to be brought down. You know? Into the garage?" he said. I gave him a look saying, 'remember, try not to be too nice'. "And also because, I've always wanted someone to follow me around and do whatever I don't want to do" he said rolling his eyes

"So basically want me to be your bitch?" I asked offended. I wasn't really offended, just acting the part.


"I'm not going to be your fucking bitch!" I yelled to him

"Guys, guys. Don't start a fight just, help him Sophie" Vikk said sighing

I scoffed, "Fine" then I followed him. I think that was pretty good acting, now, I hope people think that we are not dating. Once, we were in Simon's room we could speak normally to each other. "Great acting" I said

"You too. Now, I hope people know that we aren't dating" Simon said

"Yeah, me too"

"Sorry if I interrupted your conversation with Vikk" he said

"It's fine. So, did you wanna talk about something? I know you didn't just need me over here, just to bring down boxes." I asked

"Oh yeah. So, what do you think is up with Allie?" He asked with concern in his voice

"I don't know, it's not like her to have a one night stand. Something's wrong, I know it" I said, he handed me a box. "Fuck, this is heavy" I said, "What the fuck do you have in here?"

"I actually don't know, I think it's mainly books, pictures, and more books"

"Damn" I said

"But, you really think something's wrong?" He asked

"Yeah. Allie always has a reason for doing stupid shit, I just, want to know why she's doing this" I said. Simon picked up a box and we headed out of his room. We walked in silence for a bit.

"So, what were you a both to tell Vikk earlier?" He asked breaking the silence


"You like him don't you?"

I looked at him shocked, "How? Wh-"

"I've seen the way you look and talk about him. It's no doubt you like him, don't worry I won't say a word" he said

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