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Silence. That's all there was in the house now. It's been at least 3-5 hours since this all happened. We lost, Callum, Cal(Freezy), Harry, Gabriel, and that Rob guy. Vikk and I haven't spoken and I heard Chris and Lucy weren't doing so well either. Vikk is currently sat on his desk staring at nothing but a blank monitor with his eyes bloodshot from crying, while I am laid on our bed.

No one has really spoken to each other in the past days, at least no one has spoken to Simon. Everyone is locked in their rooms either fighting with their girlfriends, or not saying anything at all. I heard Freya got mad at Josh for not telling her, and Josh made the argument that Simon just told him the night it happened.

I sat up from the bed and left the room to go downstairs to get a glass of water. I got into the kitchen to see Simon sat on one of the stools, leaning forward unto the kitchen island with his head in his hands. There was a glass half empty in front of him, along with a bowl empty with nothing but little drops to kill left inside. I'm guessing he had some on Vikk's cereal.

As I went to go get a glass from the cabinet, Simon's head shot up and he gave me a shocked look, which then turned into a look of relief. We didn't say anything, we only made eye contact. I broke the eye contact to close the cabinet and get water from the fridge. I could feel Simon's stare on me as the water was filling my glass slowly. Once it was filled I took a sip and sat on the stool across from him, setting the glass down in front of me. There was a long a silence, until he spoke

"Sophie, I'm s-" I cut him off

"Save it Simon" I snapped

"I just wanted to apologize" he said

"I don't wanna hear it Simon. Once you have something else to say besides, "sorry" let me know" I said rolling my eyes and leaving the kitchen. I ran upstairs into Vikk and I's room to see him passed out on the bed. I looked at him and sighed, I started getting some of my stuff ready. I decided to go out and look for Allie, and I'm going by myself since, everyone needs to be alone right now.

I was running down the stairs with my stuff ready then, I stopped and saw Simon also getting ready, "Where're you heading?" I asked

He jumped back and flinched, I'm guessing I startled him, "Going to go find Allie," he paused a looked at what was on me, "I'm guessing you're also going out to find her"

"Bingo" I said putting on my shoes

"Sorry but, I wanna go alone" he said

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't ask if I could go with you" I said "but, she's my sister and I need to find her"

"What about V-"

"That doesn't matter right now." I snapped, I sighed "You can come along if you want, I don't care" I said. I was walking to the front door and Simon wasn't moving, "You coming or not?"

He snapped back into reality and nodded then we headed out without telling the others. Honestly they could care less right now, I think they're happy that Simon's out of the house, if they know he is. I'm sure they won't find out for a while.

We walked out of the house and we decided on walking around instead of driving. Then, there it was again. Silence. There was so much tension in the air that you could almost touch it. All you could here were the late night crickets and the sounds of our feet hitting the ground as we took each step on the sidewalk.

Both of us were avoiding eye contact and just kept looking away from each other. I was looking for signs of Allie, I'm sure Simon is too. I mean, Simon does love Allie and, that's the reason why he did this. Why this whole mess happened but, he did mean well. Love is love.

"Any signs?" I asked

"No, nothing. That Anael Angel really knows how to cover her tracks" Simon said

"Anael, that's her name?" He nodded, I chuckled a bit, "It kinda sounds like anal" Simon gave me the "really" look and I shrugged, "Excuse me and my dirty mind" I said, he chuckled.

We walked around the area for about an hour or so and he have found absolutely nothing. Nothing useful at least. Why is this so hard to do?! Then a familiar girl popped up in front of us, "Hello Reese" I said

"Sophie, Simon" she said looking at us both. Simon gave a little awkward wave.

"What do you want Reese?" I asked, (Allie's continuing on right now)

"I haves message from Lachlan, who is too busy to deliver it personally" she says, "Mitchell has taken over the entire city of Cambridge and Lachlan fears that his demons might not be powerful enough alone. He wants to know if your little group can help us"

I paused and looked over at Simon, "Our group might not be willing to..."

"Why not. Cambridge isn't very far away"

"We're all broken up. We might not fight along side each other well enough to take down anywhere"

Reese looked down, "I was afraid of that answer. I heard about Alexsandra"

Even the mention of Allie made Simon clench his fist in anger, at himself I was guessing.

"Do you know where she is?" I ask, hopefulness in my voice.

Reese looks up, "At the moment I can only guess she is in Mitchell's clutch. Which would be the other benefit of coming to Cambridge. You get to save the world and Simon gets his girlfriend back"

Simon sighed, looking over at me, "Well, Sophie. I guess we're going to Cambridge"

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