∞This Can't Be Happening∞

542 36 15

Same Day-

(Justin's Pov)

Was I hearing things right did she really just say that she likes Jason

No maybe this is a nightmare


That's it sooner or later I'll wake up in my bed to actually start my first day of school

My mind just wants to fuck with me right now to try and make me more nervous than I already was.

Oh god what am I going to do now?

Do I say something?

Do I tell her that I like him too?

No of course not

maybe that was the answer and solution to all of my problems.

But Justin if you don't tell her she'll find out no that would make things worse if I tell her she'll think I'm lying and only doing it for attention or liking him just because she does.

Why did this have to happen to me?

Was this because in fourth grade I pushed that little girl away when she tried to hug me and I got in trouble for it? Because I'm sorry you know I just don't like to be hugged randomly by people I don't know. Right now I think I should have. It's way better than all this.

You see why I don't like school most of the time not only is it the work but the people in it

Don't get me wrong it's not all bad but still like c'mon

I couldn't stop my brain from overthinking when suddenly I was brought back to reality when I heard my name being called repeatedly

"Justin hello Justin are you listening" Brittany looked at me like there was something off about me

"Yeah I'm fine just got lost there for a sec"

"Well I was just telling Emily here that maybe it isn't a good idea for her to like him I mean haven't you heard that Jason's a real player"

Great what more information will I be getting today

"No he's not how would you know if you barely even talk to him" Emily retorted like someone had told her the most insulting thing ever I don't blame her

"Well then I guess all of his friends are liars then huh because that's what some of them say that Jason has been telling them. I even heard that he has a girlfriend" Brittany gave Emily a knowing look and Emily just had a shocked expression as did I boy did I not know much about Jason as I previously thought

"I don't believe you just wait I'm going to find out anyways he talks to me and if he did he would have told me"

"You should because you wouldn't want to get your heartbroken now would you especially since he doesn't even know that your into him. Maybe that's what you need to do."

"What?" Emily looked at her with interest written all over her forehead

"If you were to tell him you like him who knows maybe he might even have feelings for you but just isn't sure if you do. That would clear some of the confusion. That way you'll know before you decide to pursue something that could turn sour in the end"

She wasn't wrong you can't know until you try right well I don't even see you trying to do anything at all you're just sitting hear listening to someone talk about their feelings they have for a guy you like as well shut up no I don't it's not that big of a deal it's not like I love the guy it's just a pathetic little crush nothing more nothing less keep telling yourself that fine I will whatever helps you sleep at night Justin I sleep fine thank you very much ugh I need to stop talking to myself I'm going crazy

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