∞How Could You∞

392 27 14

Justin's Pov

The sun was beaming through the open window so bothersome to my tired, sore eyes. I laid there arms spread out, eyes closed, breathing in and out through my nose feeling my lungs inflate with air. I didn't have the strength to open my eyes yet.

I shoved my face down into my pillow breathing heavily as images from last night flashed throughout my mind. I felt so drained. I didn't feel like getting up at all. Being Saturday I was just glad I'd have a few days to myself before I'd have to face everyone since the dance on.

Forcing myself off the bed I went to my closet contemplating if I should just turn around and just sleep all day. I'd rather enjoy a day full of dreams. Wouldn't you?

I picked out some sweats and a shirt and took them with me to the bathroom. As I walked in I closed the door behind me setting the clothes down as I turned the water on, adjusting it to a nice soothing temperature I took of my clothes getting into the shower. Closing my eyes at the blissful sensation of my muscles relaxing made everything a hundred times better.

I don't know how long I was in there but it sure wasn't ten minutes because when I looked down at my fingers they looked like little raisins, that was my cue to hurry up. I lathered my hair in shampoo before rinsing it off and applying conditioner. After that was done I scrubbed my self clean. After rinsing everything out I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and walked to the mirror.

I just stood there looking at myself noticing every single detail. How chubby my face was, how simple I looked. My eyes were tired I could tell by the dark circles under my eyes but I didn't seem to care. I felt like a disaster ready to explode. I couldn't stand here forever or I'd few worse about myself. I washed my face putting on my clothes and walking out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. Grabbing an apple from the table I read the no the on the fridge.

"Early shift at work, made you some pancakes just don't forget to heat them up. See you later. -Love Mom"

I guess I'm alone for a while. It didn't really bother me so much.

After eating a couple of the delicious blueberry pancakes which I may or may not have drowned in maple syrup did I forget to mention how delicious they were I walked in to my room picking up my laptop from my desk and sat on my bed.

I went to check my email and much to my dismay I saw an email from the last person I'd thought I'd hear from.


What could she possible want.

I opened it up and what I read next really made my heart ache.

How could she possibly think I'd be okay after this.

"Are you happy now? Jason broke up with me!"

I was heartbroken to think that she'd think that I'd be filled with happiness and joy at the cost of her heartbreak. A part of me felt bad for her another part didn't even know what to do. I wanted to know what happened between them.

I didn't know what to say but at the same time I did. I had all these questions.

"Why would you think I'd be okay with this? Do you actually think I'd be this cold hearted? You obviously don't know me as well as I thought you did."

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