∞The Final Meeting∞

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"Distance makes the heart grow fonder said by someone stronger than me, so what do I do now?"

Our school was moving to a new location so they had us doing all the work, or maybe they just didn't want to spend money on actual help. I don't know the case but here we were packing away books and school supplies into boxes.

I didn't mind it. It certainly beat having to do any last minute work.

I was sitting on the ground packing away some books into a box when Jason walked over to me and set next to me.

"Do you need some help?"

"No thank you I'm fine"

"Come on Justin let me help you. Please"

He pouted at me bringing his hands together in a begging manner


"Thank you so much!" He hugged me

"Okay now let go of me"

"Oops sorry so what do you think about the school moving?"

"Eh does it really matter this is our last week here."

"Yeah but isn't it sad you know. To see this place just practically disappear into nothing but memories."

"Well it is sad, but that's the thing you have to let go of the old to bring on the new memories to replace those"

"What if you don't want to let go?"

"Sometimes you have to. That's the only way to move on with your life"

"What if you can't move on with your life without having something specific per say?"

"Jason what is with all these questions? Are you sick?"

"No of course not I was just curious."

I looked at him a bit skeptical. If only I knew what was going on in his head.

After a while we had a couple boxes done, and I was waking around helping with other things.

Jason on the other hand wasn't helping he was goofing around. With who?

Well that's easy when I turned to see where he was he was playing around with Emily.

I'm not going to get mad. What's the point in that. Nothing exactly.

I just admired the way they looked at each other. It broke my heart knowing I'll never have something like that. I was nothing more than a distraction.

I was brought out from my thoughts when the teacher called out for Jason.

She needed him to go down to the office and retrieve something for her.

I on the other hand needed to get out of the room. My throat was closing up and my eyes were burning.

I quickly asked the teacher for permission to use the bathroom before quickly making my way out of the room.

I was in such a hurry I didn't notice where I was waking when all of a sudden I crashed into someone.


"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I looked up to see it was Jason

"Oh Justin. Hey"

Let Me Love You ♡ Jastin ♡ {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now