∞Tricks and Games∞

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Sorry for such a late chapter. I know I keep making excuses but I couldn't find the right inspiration at the time and with school it was harder to keep up. I'm also not sure if people are really enjoying the story or not which is why I'd very much appreciate feedback. Thanks

Let's get on with this....


Justin's Pov

I couldn't believe that tomorrow night I'd be spending the evening with Jason. Was I excited of course I was. But something told me otherwise. Maybe I'm just a negative person. I can't help it sometimes. I look at the negative outcomes way to much for my sake.

I like being alone. Yeah it's odd But when I'm alone no one can bother me. No one can hurt me by saying things that they think won't. I lost my best friend no matter how much I say or act like I don't care I do. I grew up with her she was there for me through everything. She would have loved the idea of me going on what would be my first date. Seems lame huh? I thought so. I never even had my first kiss yet. My mom says when the right person comes along it will all be perfect. She can be so cheesy at times but I love her.

I heard my phone ping from the nightstand beside my bed

It was Sam.

I looked at the messages and couldn't resist letting a smile and almost inaudible laugh escape my slightly chapped lips.

My cheeks started to heat up.

I wonder if you two will be sucking face by the time the date ends 😉

We won't be.

How would you know that? You're a hot peice of ass and you know that.

I'm not going to lie I'm good looking but still

I don't know what if I'm not his type

Stop worrying he obviously wants to spend the day with you because he likes you or he wouldn't be hanging out with you right?

I guess

No guessing now I'm coming over later to discuss you're wardrobe and any last minute adjustments but overall I think you'll be just fine.

You sure

I'm sure of it babe 😉

I laughed. Sam was really something else. I loved her dearly. She always knew what to say to make me smile. It could literally be a simple message or picture and it would have me laughing in seconds. I hope she never leaves my side I don't know what I'd do without her I'm really glad I found a friend like her.

Thanks babe 😂


"So you're going to be that wearing am I right?" Sam said eyeing my outfit from top to bottom looking at every single detail carefully.

"Yes. Does it look good?" I said nervously

"Honestly you look hot as fuck if you weren't interested in guys I'd snatch you right up"

I blushed

"Trust me. You'd be my type of girl. You'd get any guy anyday." I gave her a genuine smile

"You'd think." She slightly laughs

"You will and he will be lucky to have you"

"Enough talk about me you're going on you're first date how excited are you?"

"Very. Extremely nervous I think I'm going to throw up." My stomach suddenly twisting in ways I thought it would for certain rip me in half

"Don't be. You're going to be fine. You two used to be close. Remember Justin just be yourself. He'll love that."

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