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"My friends are coming over tonight and you're not stealing Vic from us this time." Kelsey stated while we were driving home from school. Like always, my parents cut her grounding short, so her and Kailey both got out of it yesterday. 

"I won't do anything but I can't help it if my boyfriend wants to talk to me for a little bit." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I still don't understand how he likes you." Kelsey mumbled. 

"Thanks." I said sarcastically with an eye roll. 

"You're welcome." She retaliated with an evil smirk.

"Leave him alone, Kels. It's not necessarily his fault he caught feelings for him. Or that Vic did the same." Kailey added. Kelsey slammed on the brakes and looked back at us. 

"Get out." She said.

"What?" Kailey and I said at the same time. 

"Get the fuck out of my car. You're walking the rest of the way home." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Why?" I whined.

"You're irritating me." She said simply, getting out of the car. She walked to my side and practically ripped me out of the car and threw me onto the road. 

"Fuck." I whispered when I realized my finger was out of place and the road ripped a hole straight through my jeans and caused my knee to start bleeding.

"Holy shit, Kelsey." Kailey said, jumping out of the car. I scrambled up from the ground with a little help from Kailey. Kelsey got back in the car and sped off towards the house. I looked around and noticed we were still pretty close to the school. Well, closer than home. If we were to walk home, we'd need to walk the highway to our small neighborhood.  

Alex also lives pretty close to here. Actually just a few blocks. 

"So, what now?" Kailey asked. 

"We could always go to Alex's?" I suggested. She nodded and we started the way towards Alex's house. If we were lucky, him and Jack went to his house today.

When we got there, his mom told that he, in fact, went to Jack's but she did let me come in and fix up my knee and get a small ziplock bag of ice for my finger.

Kailey and I made our way towards our house since we had no where else to go. It's not like we've never done it before but it takes like an hour.

"Hey!" Kailey shouted, stopping her movements. "Text Vic! Have him pick us up." She suggested. 

"No, I'm not doing that." I said dismissively. When I turned to Kailey, she was looking at me like I grew two more heads. "What?" I asked her.

"You have boyfriend who just so happens to own a car and just so happens to be going to our house today." She said. 

"I get that, but I don't want to be that kind of boyfriend. I don't want him to think I'm just using him." I admitted. I noticed Kailey's face contort into a sly smirk. "What are you smirking about?" I asked her. 

Just as I said that, I felt two strong arms wrap around my middle. "Because I'm here to save the day." The person, who I realized was Vic, whispered in my ear. "Get in the car. You're going to explain to me why you're not with Kelsey." 

We all got into his car that was on the side of the road. How I didn't notice him pull up to us, I have no idea, but I came kind of happy he did. It is only early April but in San Diego, it can still be kind of hot.

Vic looked between Kailey and I, waiting for one of us to speak up. I looked at Kailey with pleading eyes because honestly, I didn't want to talk to him about that. 

My Sister's Best Friend (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now