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"I just don't understand him." I said as I picked the grass from where I sat. You can hear the slight patter of the water from the small stream. Kailey and I found this little are when we were twelve and we've been coming here since to clear our heads.

"I don't know. I knew he was never that accepting but, damn, did he really have to do that when they were there?" She added. I sighed and put my face in my hands.

"I'm gonna run away." I mumbled.

"No you're not. You ain't leaving me here with them." She said. 

"You can come with. No one will notice. We'll sneak out in the middle of the night and get as far away from here as possible." I explained.

"As much as I would love to get away, we can't. Neither of us any knowledge of living on our own let alone on the road." She said.

"I know." I said sadly. Just then, my phone went off signalling that I had a text. I looked down to see it was from Kailey.

Satan: Mom said to get home. 

"Kai, we gotta get home. Mom's throwing a shit fit." I said with a sigh.

"Damn, alright." She said then stood up. I followed her actions and soon we were walking back to the house.

"We need more friends." I said randomly. "Like, we have Jack, Alex, and Tay but it's.. I dunno anymore." I sighed.

"More people to hang out with? We can't hang out with Jack and Alex because dad caught them having sex in our room and we can't have Tay over because her parents are anal about guys." She said.

"Yeah. But it's okay for Kelsey to go out and get drunk almost every other weekend." I said bitterly.

"Oh, but she's more responsible." Kailey said mimicking our mom's voice. I laughed at her horrible impression causing her to join in. 

"Don't do that again." I said as we got to the front of our house. I sighed and started walking up to the front door. As Kailey opened the door, the first thing we heard were our names being shouted from the living room.

"Kailey and Kellin! Get in here!" Surprisingly, it was Kelsey. 

"What." Kailey whined while we walked into the living room. 

"Wanna watch a movie with us?" She asked with a perky voice.

"No." We said bluntly.

"Awe. Why not? It's Magic Mike." She said trying to convince me. Little did she know, that just made me not want to watch it even more.

"No. Definitely not." I said then walked out of the room with Kailey trailing behind.

"She's so confusing. First she tells you to stay away from the gay guy but then she wants us to watch a movie with them?" Kailey said as we got into our room. "I was kind of expecting you to agree to the movie. We all know how much you love it."

"Watching it with just you and Kels is one thing, but not with all of her friends around. I get awkward boners every time I watch it." I said.

"I know, I know," She said then went over to the mini fridge we had in our room. She threw me a monster and got one for herself. Advantages of having the biggest room in the house; we have a mini fridge, couch, two Queen sized beds, a walk in closet, and a 40-inch, flat screen. It's pretty great. 

"Not that I mind, but why is it that we always drink monsters at night and not in the morning?" I asked. 

"No idea," She shrugged. "Music or no?" She asked.

My Sister's Best Friend (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now